
New Member
Been worrying about getting cought where i shouldnt, so decided to buy some OS maps to be sure what i can drive on and what i cant. Okay so im a little confused as to what roads we are good to drive on off-road legally.
I know byways (BOATS - open to all traffic) is the main ones that we should use, not many around when looking on the OS maps :(
I have taken a snap shot of a map, could you guys let me know out of the 3 i have listed and pointed too what i can drive on and what i cant.
cheers all
yeah but those red croses may have restrictions that apply certain times of the year when you can't be on them
**** me revolt haven't we had this conversation in Hull4x4 forum.

haha yeah your rite but i replied and thought till someone replied to that i would seek more info ;) can never be under educated in these things. Wanna make sure im not riding where i shouldnt mate ;) :cool:
1 Byway open to all traffic, just what it says

2 Other routes with public access, these are usually UCRs (Unclassified county roads, they appear on the county's list of streets, rather than the definitive map) so usually legal to drive.

3 Sorry, you've totally misread the map, look, carefully, at the legend again.
What we have here are 2 symbols superimposed on each other. First "Other road, drive or track" (the double black line) This means the surveyer has found physical evidence of a track on the ground (in this case fairly obvious, as it's fenced) but is no indication of its status. On top is a public footpath (the red dots), so not drivable. Almost certainly it is a private drive to a farm, so is only legal to drive if you have legitimate reason to visit the farm.

Bear in mind that all this information was correct ON THE DAY THE MAP WAS PREPARED (There will be a date in the legend) and could have changed even before the map was printed!
im a little confused as to what roads we are good to drive on off-road legally.

I had the same issue when i started to look at the OS maps. But then thought well WTF can anyone do? My vehical is legal and if i happen to get a little lost and end up in some farmers field. What can anyone really do about it? The days of shooting people for trespassing are gone! I find as long as you are polite (overly works best.) Then even angry country folk wont be rude/agressive to you, as they were mostly "raised better" than that! Or so they would like to think!

I wondered down someones private driveway the other day. Some lady came out of her house with hands on hips demanding that i stopped. I could tell by the look on her face she was about to let rip. I managed to get the first word in. "Sorry love i seem to be a little lost. Would you be so kind as to direct me to the nearest village?" To that she calmed right down, took her hands off her hips and did indeed give me directions to somewhere i had no intention of going.

Anyway, my theory on the subject is if you are not sure wether you should go down a track. Go down it and find out! But always be polite! Even if you are confrunted by a ****!
I had the same issue when i started to look at the OS maps. But then thought well WTF can anyone do? My vehical is legal and if i happen to get a little lost and end up in some farmers field. What can anyone really do about it? The days of shooting people for trespassing are gone! I find as long as you are polite (overly works best.) Then even angry country folk wont be rude/agressive to you, as they were mostly "raised better" than that! Or so they would like to think!

I wondered down someones private driveway the other day. Some lady came out of her house with hands on hips demanding that i stopped. I could tell by the look on her face she was about to let rip. I managed to get the first word in. "Sorry love i seem to be a little lost. Would you be so kind as to direct me to the nearest village?" To that she calmed right down, took her hands off her hips and did indeed give me directions to somewhere i had no intention of going.

Anyway, my theory on the subject is if you are not sure wether you should go down a track. Go down it and find out! But always be polite! Even if you are confrunted by a ****!

Thanks for that ;)
Like you say best to be polite and not get on the wrong side of some farmer/house owner.

I always, slow down or most times stop for horse riders and people with dogs and ALWAYS say thank you if they stand to one side or hold there dogs till im past. Its only the odd one or 2 who give you evil looks but im sure most people are fine with it.
I had the same issue when i started to look at the OS maps. But then thought well WTF can anyone do? My vehical is legal and if i happen to get a little lost and end up in some farmers field. What can anyone really do about it? The days of shooting people for trespassing are gone! I find as long as you are polite (overly works best.) Then even angry country folk wont be rude/agressive to you, as they were mostly "raised better" than that! Or so they would like to think!

I wondered down someones private driveway the other day. Some lady came out of her house with hands on hips demanding that i stopped. I could tell by the look on her face she was about to let rip. I managed to get the first word in. "Sorry love i seem to be a little lost. Would you be so kind as to direct me to the nearest village?" To that she calmed right down, took her hands off her hips and did indeed give me directions to somewhere i had no intention of going.

Anyway, my theory on the subject is if you are not sure wether you should go down a track. Go down it and find out! But always be polite! Even if you are confrunted by a ****!

That is fkn crap advice and does none of us any favours. If you're not sure about a lane DON'T fkn drive it. If you really want to, contact your local rights of way officer at the local authority and get them to check it on the definitive map.

You've got away with the dumb thick **** polite approach so far, but a lot of people take that approach and really **** people off as it won't just be you that has taken that view.

A few more people taking the '**** it, I'll drive it & plead ignorance' approach and there goes our hobby. You're just playing into the hands who would like to see ALL motorised access to the countryside banned.

Don't bother coming back and arguing your point. It's indefensible and **** poor advice to give to a novice,
That is fkn crap advice and does none of us any favours. If you're not sure about a lane DON'T fkn drive it. If you really want to, contact your local rights of way officer at the local authority and get them to check it on the definitive map.

You've got away with the dumb thick **** polite approach so far, but a lot of people take that approach and really **** people off as it won't just be you that has taken that view.

A few more people taking the '**** it, I'll drive it & plead ignorance' approach and there goes our hobby. You're just playing into the hands who would like to see ALL motorised access to the countryside banned.

Don't bother coming back and arguing your point. It's indefensible and **** poor advice to give to a novice,

ok so if we drive down a track and make a mistake then on access then all motorised vehicals are going to be banned from the countryside?? Yeah right!
I think your talkin crap! the Lanes around me that have been downgraded to footpaths have been done so because motorized vehicals had not used them for years and they had overgrown and were no longer accessable. Not because people were driving down the wrong track!

Further more mate Ill post my opinion where ever the **** i like!
Also, do you think that the fact that you have right of way down a particular road stops certain people getting ****ed off with you?? No, does it ****!

Wether you are allowed down a road or not, some people still think you are an arsehole! Just because you can turn arround and say "Im allowed down here by law" doesnt make them go "Oh ok sir, sorry about being ****ed off with you driving passed my house! Please continue!"

For the record, when i give my opinion, it is exactly that! My opinion! My intention is not to TELL others on here what they should and shouldnt do (unlike yourself!!) This practice is what is called freedom off speach! And refering to my approch to this as "a dumb thick ****" is not very polite! Not sure wether your mom ever told you that!

When someone tries to stop you passing a public right of way, do you refer to them as a "dumb thick ****"? If so, I dont think you are doing any of us any favors! Let alone yourself!
Damn, haha didnt mean to start a war off :(:(

Anyways Hunter you do have a point, i get back looks just driving down small b roads around here. Stinks that some people think you shouldnt be there just because they are there first.
haha no probs!! Nothing wrong with a bit of healthy debate!

Some people will watch you messing arround in a river, or in the mud down a lane and are happy to see that you are having fun. However some people look at you and think you are an arsehole for beingin a place THEY feel you should be in a 4x4. My point is that you will never change the veiws of those types of people, regardless of whether you have legal right of way and being polite, is the best way i find to deal with them.
An opinion is one thing, advice is another, and speach is spelled 'speech'. Oh, and I was wrong, you are not a dumb thick ****, my heartfelt apologies.

You are a dumb, thick, self opinionated, self serving, selfish, probably xenophobic, sadly fairly typical 4x4 (not specifically Land Rover) driving, **** headed **** who ought to sell his Solihulls finest and replace it with an 'animal' or some other vehicle more normally associated with builders or scaffolders and carry on as expected with total disregard for any legislation governing driving a motorised vehicle in the countryside in the narrow minded belief that it won't make any difference to those who are making an effort to preserve what little remains of our hobby following the NERC bill (look it up then!)

Have a good read of: Green Lane Association Ltd. - Home before you do any more damage and it wuz me Mother who taught me the words................the grammer and the punctuation and obviously more thoroughly than yours ever did.

War? Bugger off, this is fun. :D


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Likely ter be one of them things that gits one vitriolic post per day, at best per hour. Where's the farn in that? :rolleyes:

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