hope u don't mind me posting it here, thought then it won't take up another post me asking questions and handy info for others
think next year will do a split charge system
been looking at this one
been doing some further reading , as all of my cig lighters are ign based i will have to convert the boot one , so that it's constant live to accept the solar charger, just got to work out the best way
i.e., run a wire directly to the battery from the boot cig lighter, ensuring its fused, but see it can't be left connected , maybe installing a switch on the dashboard , or maybe inside the glove box so it's out of the way
found out my system should take anymore than 22ma and will sleep after 20 x mins
still got my battery on a slow charge , prefer that to a fast charge
will do anothe residual test to ensure the system is turning off as it should, seeing these D3 are certainally power hungry
hope u don't mind me posting it here, thought then it won't take up another post me asking questions and handy info for others
think next year will do a split charge system
been looking at this one
been doing some further reading , as all of my cig lighters are ign based i will have to convert the boot one , so that it's constant live to accept the solar charger, just got to work out the best way
i.e., run a wire directly to the battery from the boot cig lighter, ensuring its fused, but see it can't be left connected , maybe installing a switch on the dashboard , or maybe inside the glove box so it's out of the way
found out my system should take anymore than 22ma and will sleep after 20 x mins
still got my battery on a slow charge , prefer that to a fast charge
will do anothe residual test to ensure the system is turning off as it should, seeing these D3 are certainally power hungry