... Just to clarify, I mean indicators, I'm not nipping over the local park with a long coat on ;)

I have the original filament bulb set up, not LEDs, and most posts I've read related to LEDs and resistance over them, so hoping you wonderful lot can help.

Two weeks ago I had a problem with my indicators going haywire and not working after using my hazards to say thank you to someone. Did a bit of research, discovered the hazard units are ****e. Fiddling and pulled the switch out and discovered it was in bad shape. Bought a new lucas unit to replace, all working fine. Last weekend did a couple of hours up to the lakes and back, no dramas at all and indicators did what they were told.

Took the old girl out about an hour ago to pick the other old girl up from the local lady petrol station. After the turning out of my village I noticed that when I tried to indicate, on the dash both directional lights, and the trailer light were all flashing in unison. Hopped out to check and sure enough, regardless of which way I put the stalk, all 6 indicators come on. Hazards work fine on their own, and the hazard dash light didn't come on when using the indicator only.

I'm hoping because it's been ****ing it down today that my trailer electrics connector has got wet and is causing a short circuit maybe? That would explain why the trailer light on the dash is coming on right? +1 to this idea because my trailer electrics socket doesn't have a cover on it (broken off), and the plate it's attached to was pointing very slightly skyward. As far as I can tell, the sheath for the wiring going to that connector is absolutely sound, can see how it'd be shorting in there.

If my idea isn't right, wondering if anyone else has had this, and if anyone's got any advice?

Have now bent the trailer socket down towards the floor a bit hoping any moisture / further liquid can't get in and if there is any in there it'll drain or dry out. Bit trucked for the journey tomorrow if it doesn't sort itself out by 4pm.

Thanks in advance for any help!
Dippypud, you're correct the trailer dash light should only flash once when the stalk is moved, then stay off.

I didn't change the relay, no. Will definitely go check it over now though. I'm failing to see how the relay (which hasn't been removed or touched) would be causing the trailer blinkers to come on with no trailer attached? Or how the relay would cause all 6 blinkers to come on at once? Happy to be enlightened!!!
Dippypud, you're correct the trailer dash light should only flash once when the stalk is moved, then stay off.

I didn't change the relay, no. Will definitely go check it over now though. I'm failing to see how the relay (which hasn't been removed or touched) would be causing the trailer blinkers to come on with no trailer attached? Or how the relay would cause all 6 blinkers to come on at once? Happy to be enlightened!!!

check your earths, for the bulb holders, the wiring et al.
Relays do fail, check with a known good one from a mate or scrappy, even buy one as a spare to test it.
You can normally hear the relay if a bulb fails as this will click fast. Relays do fail eventually and cheap to replace. Trailer sockets you can get a tester plug unit that fits directly on, to check lights are working for a trailer, or use a multimeter to test each pin. Corrosion on the bulb holders are most causes of bulb failure or blown or weak bulb.
Cheers all, as far as I can tell relay is all fine. Clicks away at the right speed, no failed bulbs etc. I don't actually have a multimeter so time to invest I suspect.

So if the earths are good, no blown bulbs, relay is fine / if I swapped for new, and it still happens, what else might cause them all to flash at once?
Electrical maladies of this nature are always an earth fault, pure and simple....., well, except for the simple bit :rolleyes:..

The flasher unit itself is prime suspect IMO, they let the smoke out, and create new internal paths in all sorts of "interesting" ways :mad:. Cheapest and easiest way to check is to replace it with a known good one, which, sadly might not be a new one :eek: - especially if the prince of darkness is involved :D ....

In terms of a DMM - the Uni-T ones on the zone of Ama are good value, and high quality - several of us on here have them, and rate them highly - if you want a specific recommendation, then I can put a link up...

Another highly useful tool to have, and one you can make yourself, is a wander lead with a good quality croc clip one end, and banana plug on the other ( for attaching to probes ). This needs to be long enough to reach from the negative side of the battery to everywhere else on the vehicle - in using this to supplement the earth return path, you'll identify the problem area very quickly....

Also worth checking the main earth points - engine to chassis etc. - If you have a handbrake cable, and the main earth fails - the cable has been known to act as a substitute earth for a short period*, before letting the smoke out - at which point you'll have no handbrake .... which is somewhat less than ideal :eek: .....

* = seen more on D1's for some reason - the smoke comes out of the centre console, just before the firebrigade are needed :oops:
I like your style mate haha.

Disco1bfg thanks for the advice, I'll check the main earths when it's not wetter than an otter's pocket.

Have ordered a new flasher relay but sadly it won't be turning up until Tues. Guess who's got a bollocking from the missus for not being able to drive later...
Ah yes then you're right it absolutely does. If it is the trailer extension causing issues, would unplugging it solve anything or cause any other issues?

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