gold rover

Well-Known Member
Hi all, been a while since I visited, mainly because I have rarely used my baby and also when I did she was running great and THEN it happened I felt a shudder at the roundabout , so off to the garage and it was an injector. No issues injector bought injector changed but veh running a bit rough. Diagnosis was engine issue from injector putting out too much fuel. So I will now copy and paste tale from other thread................

I know this is an old post but after the experience i have had with said 'nice man' at Rover Work Shop in Duke Street, I just had to awaken the dead. DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES DESPERATE OR NOT USE THIS PLACE. The guy has just made such a mess of my engine that it now has to go to the main stealer to be fixed. I went to him after a vibration in engine after a No5 injector change. I won't go into everything but 2 weeks after promised return date I finally got veh back. En route home had to stop and discovered diesel seepage into injector rail, but much more importantly my baby was bleeding oil at a great rate out of bottom of engine and knocking as if a blacksmith was in engine. AA attended, veh returned to 'nice man (peter)'. After a week veh returned supposedly fixed but still knocking so loud I could hear it 200m away!!
Three days of when are you picking this up to fix it ended with and I quote ' nice man' oh that's it I'm fed up with you I'm not fixing it'.
So it is now in hands of trading standards and lawyer!
Oh and BTW I had paid him nearly £ 3000 to fix sleeves and followers and filters. So I say again. DO NOT USE Rover Work Shops Duke Street Glasgow.

So now chaps I find myself with a vehicle in a worse state than when I started:mad2:
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Let me get this right GR....what you have quoted in bold is not your post??

What you are saying is you had the same issue and went to the same garage...they messed up, and it is only now you have seen a post warning you not to use this 'nice man'??

Rock up with some of your Army chums (preferably in a nice heavy bit of mechanised Army transport - bristling with guns and launchers), pop yer head round the door with your largest smile and ask him (politely) what he is going to do about the fact your vehicle is not only not fixed, but worse.....ensure he sees you in full Uniform, getting either into or out of said large mechanised transport....this will add to the brown trousers moment he will have :D:D:D:D:D

In all may have to get all legal-eagle on his backside!

(Or just brass the Fecker up!)
Let me get this right GR....what you have quoted in bold is not your post??

What you are saying is you had the same issue and went to the same garage...they messed up, and it is only now you have seen a post warning you not to use this 'nice man'??

No, the type in bold is their own post on a different thread
No, the type in bold is their own post on a different thread

Oh....which other post> Can't find another one from GR about this!!

Confused little brain!

(oh and PS - posted a How To in the How To section for moderation :D:D:D:D)

Cheers BB you have explained it perfectly.

Ahhhhh.....I see.....never get to the Gaylander...opps Freelander section to often so would never even have thought of looking in there!

@GR: Sorry to hear of your woes....let us know how you get on with trading standards....if he is a member of a motor trade organisation maybe talk with them too!!!
Hi Saint, that was going to be my job for tomorrow to find out if he's affiliated to one of the organisations. Wil also be having words with HMRC contact that i dealt with on a job. He has chosen the wrong person to annoy. :-D I'm going to chew him up and spit him out. Ah the joys. :)
On the upside I'm now got a grand to go buy an runaround until the baby is fixed. Nothing fancy , just a nice steady motor to get me from a -b rather than taxi fares! Ben looking at Volvo C 70, Audi A4, Merc Clk/Slk or Saab aero. Buy now use until mine is fixed then sell in Spring and maybe make a profit :)

P.S on top of rest of his crap , when asked he refused to give his surname. Take it he 's never heard o . Companies House :-D

P.p.s I am trying to be civil about it all and using the law because if they turned up and someone had used a pebble dash wall to give him a facial scrub, together with the size 7 boot mark on his throat, I think they just might have an inklingnwho did it. I'll just wait a couple of years when he's forgotten all about it and visit him ;-)
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Go with the Saab Aero, preferably a good 9-5. You wont regret it!

Jesus domino.. you trying to punish him ??

looking at Volvo C 70, Audi A4, Merc Clk/Slk or Saab aero.

Forget the Volvo.. parts are expensive and the front bushes are like consumables.. Audi A4.. hmmm ? timing belt chnage with water pump £600 and PITA on electrics and mechanicals when they age..

I needed a car for a long commute and got a 1999 CLK Convertible, as i didn't want to put the miles and wear on the RR or the Porsche.. i went for the CLK because its a timing chain rather than belt.. yes the Mercedes of that era do have tin worm but if you hunt you find one without, which is what i did.. did 20k in 7 months serviced it once with a cam position sensor (as i figured to get it done before it fails) it's been sitting in the storage unit for 6 months now MOT'd till Sept 2015 done zero miles on it since starts first time and blows ice cold. the only thing to watch out for on thing like that xenon bulbs are not cheap.. that's the only issue i had a blown bulb!!!

You could always get yourself a P38 and sell the one you have in the garage and joing the real Range Rovers :p
Jesus domino.. you trying to punish him ??

Not at all - why would that be punishment? I love my current one, never let me down, excellent piece of machinery and I loved my previous one just as much, too!

As long as it's have the PCV modification and the sump dropped they wont let you down.
A friend of mine has one, he said it's been the biggest headache of all time, mind you he does live in France so has to deal with French motor mechanics ! he's had some module or other needing replacing and apparently they are not cheap or easily available except for a main stealer!

now the 900 turbo was a machine (in its day)!!
A lot of people say the same about the P38...

But in all seriousness, they've never let me down and it's what's on stand-by when the P38 throws a fit. 9-5's are entirely reliable and brilliant machines.. but only if you go for the Aero variant as the engine management is entirely different and better!
you know what i think you may have hit the nail on the head if i recall its engine management problems he's had !

A lot of people say the same about the P38..

Tish and piffle ! The P38 is never unreliable !! :rolleyes:
Err...Adam....I'd ....umm.....regenderise your comment before you ..... err....ummm.....feel the wrath of one Her Majesties Finest....

Apologies Gold...

Is the AH64 over my house any coincidence ?
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Apologies Gold...

Is the AH64 over my house any coincidence ?

As if I would be so mean :mil80: :p

So the saga continues. The slimy little git refused the signed for letter, saying Rovers Work Shop isnt there!! So now it's time for Trading Standards to do what they're paid for and we'll all trundle off to summary court in the New Year. If I'm really lucky he might have a heart attack as he apparently has an issue with it.(he has a bigger issue with it than he knows :mad2::violent:

Oh well at least it means I get a pwetty little runaround in the meantime.:5bauto: I also get 30% off the parts and labour at Land Rover main stealer and my Golden Girl will come back purring like she should.:cool:
My baby went off to the stealers on Friday. I am awaiting the call to tell me how many limbs they want to fix her :(

P.S missed a nice little slk by one day. At least guy was nice enough to phone and say it was gone. Save me driving over two hundred miles for nothing. Oh well the search goes on.
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