Having owned much loved series 3s and air-portables I,ve not been forced into buying my current 53 plate Freelander by her indoors who wants a bit more comfort these days. The boys say that the Freelander is no match for the series 3 in the snow even though I,ve had Pirrelli scorpions fitted all round. Goona prove em wrong!! any views on the upcoming battle? or indeed any tips from you regular guys!;)
Depends on the tyres, however VCU, ABS and TC are a powerful combo against Diff lock and permanent 4WD ;)
Just drive it in the snow and tow your friends out in their LR's when they get stuck.

The Freelander I understand is great in the snow (and mud)
The TC is great on the Freelander on snow. I have a kinda long and steep way up to my cabin. Its going uphill at about an 20 degree angel at the steepest. I need momentum and are just letting the TC do its magic. But at about 25cm or more snow its not that safe because of the ground clearance. I bet the S3 drivers wouldnt have followed me up here :D

I have stopped using chains, unless there is ice below. I have Kumho KW22 studded tires on mine. The old 1.8L was a little quicker on the response, but the diesel is also doing the job okay.

The HDC system is also great on the way down. I dont think i would have been driving up here without it.

Same old argument, you will have to judge for yourself but I have had 3 freelanders and with AT tyres they are very good off road / in snow.

What you have as a benefit over an older 90 or series type LR is the TC and VCU which do a lot for you with out you having to stop and engage lockers etc.

I have seen lads with older LRs with no lockers at all bragging about how they would easily beat a FL only to find they actually have something like 1wd when things get slippy.

Anyway don't worry, get good tyres and enjoy :)
Thanks for all those positive responses guys, looking forward to the challenge now!! had a peek at those clips on you tube, very impressive indeed. Many thanks once again,
JR Norway you certainly have my sympathy looking at that terrain!! Good to hear that the Freelander can take such difficult driving conditions in its stride:eek:
Ah, but he can drive across lakes with studded tyres, and that's damned good fun! Jeg elske Norge... :)

Yeah, its good fun until the local sheriff catch you :D Then it just get expencive. Were a lot of guys racing on the lake each year. But it cant be done locally anymore.
Yeah, its good fun until the local sheriff catch you :D Then it just get expencive. Were a lot of guys racing on the lake each year. But it cant be done locally anymore.

Damn shame! I remember driving an Opel over Noklevannet lake in East Oslo back in '92 and it even had a road sign in the middle of the lake all year round. Had to look the name of the lake up on Google maps and my god, Oslo has changed... I'll have to go back there one day.
Yes i agree.

Haha, youre thinking 'bout those signs on the little island on Nøklevann i guess. Its not traffic signs, its for the cross country skiers :D
Ah! That makes sense!!! Well, we drove across anyway... :D

Quite scary though when you walk across a km or so and hear a loud 'boom'.

Me: "What was that??"

Anja: "Oh, it's normal- just the ice cracking..."

Me: :eek:

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