
What a shame.

I suppose that a lack of snow is just one of the bugbears of living on the 'Cornish Riviera' Nick. :rolleyes:

We have -5C this morning - I've just finished clearing the snow from around the house and now the thick freezing fog is just starting to go away.

Want to discuss a house exchange? ;)


Brother in law lives in Auchterader on a small holding, reckons his goats and ducks etc are freezing their whatsits off, think ill stick with my own webbed feet as it rarely stops raining, still I've got a pair of good tyres on now after a failed mot last week as the originals had a split in the tread which I couldn't see (serves me right for not changing them sooner).
Ice is the worry for me ...down Loftus bank theres water running down the road from a burst drain or something, its been like it for months - now its dangerous because its bound to freeze...dont know what the authorities are thinking of by leaving it like this...someones gonna come a croppa!!

Whats it like today Brack? Its not bad in Marske. :D
Yes of course - we're so far North the Polar Bears come and raid our dustbins. ;)

More likely the poor starving peasants from West Cornwall who know you can afford to eat like a king :). Will have to send my Brother in Law round to check out your bins for any goodies :)
Went for a short drive out of town today - TC light came on a few times up steep snowy / icy hills - no trouble getting anywhere :)

Only had mine since Friday and when the snow came I have to say I got a little exited but that soon wore of when I went out in my new Landy.
The tyres fitted to mine are in good nick with plenty of tread but aren't great in the snow :frown:
I'm after some alloys so when I get some I change the tyres over and get some propper winter tyres for the steel rims that I have now.
Until then I take it easy on the ole white stuff ;)
Only had mine since Friday and when the snow came I have to say I got a little exited but that soon wore of when I went out in my new Landy.
The tyres fitted to mine are in good nick with plenty of tread but aren't great in the snow :frown:
I'm after some alloys so when I get some I change the tyres over and get some propper winter tyres for the steel rims that I have now.
Until then I take it easy on the ole white stuff ;)

That's truly disappointing. :( :confused:

Exactly which tyres do you have now?

Are you sure that the TC and the VCU and ABS are actually working?
They are working
Maybe I expect too much
I reversed out of a drive where I was working and slid sideways.
Steep drive on a steep hill.
Went to the job using the HDC that hill is that steep
They are working
Maybe I expect too much
I reversed out of a drive where I was working and slid sideways.
Steep drive on a steep hill.
Went to the job using the HDC that hill is that steep

Well yes - there are limits.

If I was to have my summer tyres on right now I wouldn't be able to go anywhere safely at all.
Eston was gridlocked this much for the council being 'prepared'!

With grit ?
I would rather they didn't use that stuff as it takes years off a vehicles life!!
A snow plough is perfectly ok in my book ;)
Had my first proper test of HDC the other night, a ridiculously steep ice/snow covered hill, very difficult to drive manually (i.e. in first and using the brakes) without locking up. It was steep enough that if the front locked, the rear would start to slide round.

HDC on, down we went with no bother at all, even if it's the only time I ever use it, I was very glad to have it, and it really did work faultlessly.

I did have to do a three point turn on the top though, which was hairy as we started to slide sideways when we were broadside against the hill. *****mypantsscary*
Had my first proper test of HDC the other night, a ridiculously steep ice/snow covered hill, very difficult to drive manually (i.e. in first and using the brakes) without locking up. It was steep enough that if the front locked, the rear would start to slide round.

HDC on, down we went with no bother at all, even if it's the only time I ever use it, I was very glad to have it, and it really did work faultlessly.

I did have to do a three point turn on the top though, which was hairy as we started to slide sideways when we were broadside against the hill. *****mypantsscary*

Don't forget that HDC works in reverse gear too.

Perhaps you didn't need to have made a 3-point turn.

I found that I had to overcome my doubts, and have complete faith in the system to take my feet off all the pedals - especially in reverse.

Singvogel. :cool:
Had my first proper test of HDC the other night, a ridiculously steep ice/snow covered hill, very difficult to drive manually (i.e. in first and using the brakes) without locking up. It was steep enough that if the front locked, the rear would start to slide round.

HDC on, down we went with no bother at all, even if it's the only time I ever use it, I was very glad to have it, and it really did work faultlessly.

I did have to do a three point turn on the top though, which was hairy as we started to slide sideways when we were broadside against the hill. *****mypantsscary*

You will always slide sideways if you are across a slippery slope, because as soon as the wheel looses traction gravity takes over. The trick is go up and down hills as strait as possible and if you must turn you need to find somewhere flat!! Don't fall into the "I've got 4WD so can go fast" thing that so many 4X4 owners do cos they are the ones that don't complete the journey!!

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