& how can you tell its bin fed with Growth Enhancer from a picture Further the tree planter is/was TOTALLY BLAMELESS coz he was away on holiday when this tree was inspected by the highways agency ...

what it really needs to sue the planter of the nearby trees who's seeds have obviouly blown nearer the road than is acceptable.

Its a disgrace that you mr Wammers having over 35 years experience have no knowledge of such complex matters such as TREE MOT regulations ....:D:D:D

Claw, were you one of those kids who threw stones at the lions when you went to the zoo, just so you could see their teeth??:p:p:p:p
I can see the sense in that. Hope it`s a doubling of the fine for clearing the windscreen only to the size of a pair of specs, and not bothering with clearing the side mirrors too.

amen to that! lost count of the number of muppets driving around today with more or less the whole car (including the lights) covered in 6" of snow with just a small port hole on the windscreen to look though!:der:
In a FWD works van, at a roundabout pull up the handbrake and dial in some oppo lock for the drift effect.:D:D
Use basic commonsense - clear snow off roof and bonnet etc, keep all glass - lights as well as windows - clear....anticipate....and avoid excessive use of brakes, accelerator and steering. Simples! :D
a few years ago when i had a sierra sapphire i demonstrated to some people correct driving technique on a stretch of country road then i went round again driving like i was Stig Blomqvist while the second run was infinitely more fun the first was a lot easier and didn't end with me sliding sideways for 30 yards before a bend........ just managing to catch it and make the bend and not slamming sideways into a ditch
I'm not sure if any of you guys have tried this (I'm sure you have)
I live out in the sticks a ways and can cover quiet a few miles without getting near a main road.
Try getting up to about 25+ mph just enough to engage the cruise control and see how long you can last without touching the brake.....
It's a scream..........:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
I've not done that with cruise on but have driven about 4 miles from my parents to home (approx 4 miles in town) without touching brakes, was very funny had to antcipate everything including traffic lights and roundabouts.......Had a manual car then! :eek::eek:

As they say on telly....Don't try this at home!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek:
I've not done that with cruise on but have driven about 4 miles from my parents to home (approx 4 miles in town) without touching brakes, was very funny had to antcipate everything including traffic lights and roundabouts.......Had a manual car then! :eek::eek:

As they say on telly....Don't try this at home!!!!!!!!!:eek::eek:

Try driving a mixed route, A & B roads, even motorway, for a minimum 90minutes, using brakes no more than on actual "stopping" i.e. Stop signs, Traffic lights, or at most a quick dab to show brake light if vehicle behind is too close.

Part of Advanced driving, more so Riding a motorcycle, adopts this technique......It takes a lot of aptitude, anticipation and practice to get it right, but results in safety, progress, economy, and wear & tear are brilliant! ;)
yes i can drift a car properly not just a skid out of control but a proper drift under full control just like the d1 boys and in safe situations eg track,and on the fields at my old mans farm no im not a 18 year old boy racer
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The best way to learn skid control, and skid AVOIDANCE is surely by practice and experience. Here in France skid-pans are dotted all over the place. Learn off-road how to correct & control skids, but avoidance is the best option. Catching a skid on ice will often take more space than is available. It may be tempting, but Tesco`s & Sainsbury`s ain`t` suppliers of flood-lit skid-pans!
The best way to learn skid control, and skid AVOIDANCE is surely by practice and experience. Here in France skid-pans are dotted all over the place. Learn off-road how to correct & control skids, but avoidance is the best option. Catching a skid on ice will often take more space than is available. It may be tempting, but Tesco`s & Sainsbury`s ain`t` suppliers of flood-lit skid-pans!

in an ideal world they would give every learner a days training on a skid pan before they allowed to take a test as most youngsters never see snow before they pass there test and dont know what to do in any form of skid in the ice
I can see the sense in that. Hope it`s a doubling of the fine for clearing the windscreen only to the size of a pair of specs, and not bothering with clearing the side mirrors too.

I can! Earlier this year in the last snow, I just cleared the windows but not the roof or bonnet as this did not affect my view or so I thought! A few miles into the journey I braked for a car pulling out a bit too close and the whole 6 inch slab of snow and ice slid forward off the roof and blocked the screen completely. Being far to heavy for the wipers to move I just had to stop as quick is I could (bearing in mind the snowy roads) to push it offf!!! Very unpleasant and very lucky not to have hit something.

Wont be doing that again in a hurry!!!:)
I can! Earlier this year in the last snow, I just cleared the windows but not the roof or bonnet as this did not affect my view or so I thought! A few miles into the journey I braked for a car pulling out a bit too close and the whole 6 inch slab of snow and ice slid forward off the roof and blocked the screen completely. Being far to heavy for the wipers to move I just had to stop as quick is I could (bearing in mind the snowy roads) to push it offf!!! Very unpleasant and very lucky not to have hit something.

Wont be doing that again in a hurry!!!:)

Think you will find you can be prosecuted for insecure load if snow on your roof comes off and causes an accident. Clean it off next time.:)
Well the plod have to have something to do. "How long have you been stuck sir". "Two days officer, can you tow me to the salted road?". "Sorry sir i am not allowed to tow with my police vehicle". "But i am issuing a £60.00 ticket for you having snow on your roof, have a merry Christmas".
lol...maybe just a wee tad cynical? hmmm?? The polis up here do tow cars out of ditches etc and/or to places of safety :)
lol...maybe just a wee tad cynical? hmmm?? The polis up here do tow cars out of ditches etc and/or to places of safety :)

Yeah i can remember the days up in Scotland when the pub closing time was after the local bobbie had finished his nightly half. Different police down here.

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