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My neighbour has a D3 and I hadn't seen it for a few days. Saw his mrs on the drive and asked her if it was in for a service. She said it had broken down and was in the local LR indie. In describing what happened happened she mentioned the timing belt. Having read the thread on here about bearings rotating It's made me wonder if she mentioned the crankshaft anorl, I think she might have.
Anyway, this is just because I'm curious and he hasn't asked me to post. I'm just wondering, as it's a V6, if a belt goes does it cause the other to go? I'm presuming not, but thought I'd ask.
Also, what's the symptoms when a bearing spins? What she described sounded like a belt snapping.
When the bearing spins it usually will just seize due to lack of lube, no warning, timing belt will also end in a stall, but with a bigger thump I imagine as he valves bend
When the bearing spins it usually will just seize due to lack of lube, no warning, timing belt will also end in a stall, but with a bigger thump I imagine as he valves bend
Aye, just wondering if both belts tend to go at the same time.
There’s also the oil pump cover, mainly from 2007 it had a weak casting , corner would break off and take the engine out

Rear belt is just the fuel pump, doesn’t damage the engine if it snaps

But indeed as @freelance mentions ref the front belt and bearings

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Is that first picture showing the hole in the pump housing?
Ahh, so both sides of the V are on the same timing belt! Makes sense now that I think about it properly :rolleyes:
Is that first picture showing the hole in the pump housing?
Ahh, so both sides of the V are on the same timing belt! Makes sense now that I think about it properly :rolleyes:

Here’s a better picture of the belt layout , one of the belt tensioners are mounted top left hand side of the oil pump cover, this corner breaks off due to the weak casting and takes the timing belt with it, along with severe damage if not writing the engine off , depending on engine speed at time of breaking

It’s the tensioner that has the red on it

This is what happens when the crankshaft snaps

Ps, apologise , just released that’s a V8 , will try and find the V6 pic but indeed not much difference with the amount of damage that’s done

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This is what the crank looks when they fail

Also other pic is one guy who just caught his timing belt before it snapped

I’ve Already had the upgraded oil pump cover , front and rear belts, water pump replaced

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