so yer injun would work in a gravity free enviroment, fooking NASA must be beating a path to yer door as i type this
Nah but the energy comes originally from the sun - no sun, no power from water - the gravity and water are just condiuts to convert the power of the sun into a useable form.
ah fook it am done with me cheese whip and banana injun. think i'll design one that runs on rust. then yer can fit it to a disco and it will be self fueling. yer have the added advantage that once its all bin used up to propel the disco, you wont have nowt to get rid off. therefore it will truely be recycled and very green arnorl
Nah but the energy comes originally from the sun - no sun, no power from water, the gravity and water are just condiuts to convert the power of the sun into a useable form.
look yer gonna get a slap in a minute.. power from the sun whatever next
ave got some little lights in me gharden what draw power from the sun during daylight and store it, then when it gets dark they come on on their own. not much fookin good tho
I ad some o them - they lasted about 20 minutes! Got em to aid the walk up the path from the pub but they were long gone out by 11!
if yer tek em apart and charge the batteries they last fer about a week before they die agin
Yeah sorry, but radical i know but you never know, it might take off!!! Even me landy's solar powered now!
let me guess, the sun provided the light and heat fer the plants to grow some time ago. then the weight of the earth crushed it all down and it turned into oil. then some bright spârk refined the oil and yer got fuel fer yer landy. or have yer got 4500m² of solar panels or yer roof, or are yer saying yer run it on hot air
let me guess, the sun provided the light and heat fer the plants to grow some time ago. then the weight of the earth crushed it all down and it turned into oil. then some bright spârk refined the oil and yer got fuel fer yer landy. or have yer got 4500m² of solar panels or yer roof, or are yer saying yer run it on hot air
Yeah, that's the complicated half, then the sun photosynthesises the oilseedrape on a daily basis that runs the other half!
Tis hydrogen...HYDROGEN!!! That's it! If only we had lots of oxygen for it to react with!!!
put some lectric in water, thats hoe yer mek it, theres a website somewhere tellin yer hoew ter do it, i reckon yer could run yer landy on it one day

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