I’ve missed other thread and may be confusing you with another serial poster

The RRDT way would be take the exhaust off and rinse it out with soapy water/hose.

Dunno if cat will like that but can’t be worse than full of oil?
Can’t fit it in dishwasher is guess
You mean the other threads,he's made it difficult by posting THREE different threads.I answered his thread "help with smoke" August 11th its on page 3 of posts see my replies #15 and 20.
If his turbo has blown and spewed it’s guts up down the exhaust I’m not surprised it’s smoking.
Hopefully this is the end of the 3 of them and he’s sorted.
Ok so i done a leak off test to day I ran the cat for 1 minute 30 seconds and what I got was
From front to back
1 20 mil
2 30 mil
3 30 mil
4 30 mil
5 20 mil
6 20 mil
So would you say I am over fueling on 1/5/6
As I have taken the inlet off and 1/5/6 are wet as well if you put your finger in the top hole next to the injector
And i weant a bit mad and got my blowtorch out and put a bit of heat on the rear silencer and and she was smoking like a good one so I think I have oil or Diesel in it how do I get that out thanks justin
You need to get the injection right.
If you have oil in the exhaust that needs to be stopped. Once you stop that any left in the exhaust should burn off over time. What colour is all this smoke anyway as that surely tells you where potential sources of it could be?
Ok so have had the exhaust on a pit fire the back box was on for 2 hours 30 minutes and the front one has been on for 2 hours and still smoking some oil was burning off then just white smoke and flames coming out the pipes have run the engine without the exhaust on very little smoke and non from the oil filler cap so just going to let the exhaust cary on for no i am hoping this will sort it out
You need to get the injection right.
If you have oil in the exhaust that needs to be stopped. Once you stop that any left in the exhaust should burn off over time. What colour is all this smoke anyway as that surely tells you where potential sources of it could be?

Hi well it white smoke and the oil turbo must off put loads in the exhaust
And with the injters ar my tests bad
And i no you told me to do it till it stops smokeing but there is not a lot now shod I stop as its been going a long time

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