range rider

New Member
Hi all, my 1990 rangie 3.9 vogue has got excessive
smoke coming from the exhaust. it started overheating
the other day and a lot of coolant had gone but there
doesnt appear to be any leaks, Ive refilled the coolant
and its losing it very slowly. ive been told it could be a head
gasket gone but ive looked at the spark plugs (which i was
told one would be wet and different to the rest) and there fine :confused:.
The smoke is only bad when at idle or when pulling away, as soon
as it goes into higher gears it stops, it also misfires slightly at speeds of between 50 and 70 but not sure if this is related.
any advice is greatly appreciated
Anything i can do with it to get me through a
couple of months of bad weather ( other than burn it )
before i change the head gaskets ?
Anything i can do with it to get me through a
couple of months of bad weather ( other than burn it )
before i change the head gaskets ?

Tek it down to yer MOT satation & get em to "SNIFF TEST" it .. Exhaust Gas Analyser probe into yer header tank ...

if it registeres Hydro Carbons yer HG is TOAST .....

Are you planning on keeping it ??? if so do the HG's if not .. throw some "Irontite" in it & Flog it

but DO TELL the purchaser that it MAY have a HG problem though...& you "treated it" in the short term with Irontite ..

Or A mix of the 2 Throw Irontite at it .. & hope it "Holds" fer the time being & then do what Juicey suggests .. Find a nice V8 Chevy (GM engine) & transplant it next time its warm weather ...
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Thanks ill try that, i am keeping it so ill have to
get to work on it before we get more snow if the
irontite dont work.
i had two and then shot the stork

Until she passes her test no more, frigging nightmare get home and have to then go to supermarket while she sits on her arse all day.

When she has passed test she can spend hours in super market-I hate it.

Also our little one will be 3 soon so can start to come out and about more when fully potty trained.(close but at stage of immediate toilet need)

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