It really does make such a difference, been running it for a month or so. I get loads of smoke from mine now though and it seems to be when i adjust the diaphragm, even by 30 degrees. Smoke screw doesnt seem to dial it out either. Any ideas?
Only thing you can do is try find a happy medium,adjust the diaphram so you've not too much smoke but your happy with the amount of power.
Out of interest, how far round did you turn the screw ?

I turned it 1 1/2 turns in total.

Before I started I marked it across the lock nut, adjuster and the side of the case so I knew where it started from I then I turned it one full turn, which went well and then upped it to a turn and a half and still all good and no excessive smoke.

So will leave it like that for a while. I'd like to get an EGT gauge before I start messing around with the other bits. But I also want a voltmeter and a boost gauge so might wait until I can afford all three until I do this
Cheers stretchie,
I'm going to turn mine another half turn and leave it, i've got other jobs need doing before adjusting the other bits and an MOT next month!
on a 98 auto disco will replacing the intercooler for a bigger one do anything on its own.

As far as I am know, no, it will have an adverse affect giving you great turbo lag etc, as will take longer to fill the bigger intercooler with air etc...

I am having the same problems as you - fly-by wire auto etc, have done the EGR, de-cat etc, and tonight going to clean out my intercooler and replace the hoses with silicone ones, as if you rev the engine and watch the exisiting hoses - esp the top hose - watch it balloon :eek:

Hopefully that should help it out a little....
You will not get big turbo lag!!
That is a myth. The air is still in the intercooler constantly so it works the same but more dense air as cooled better!
I read this thread at the weekend and had a go but the problem was I had a poorly very smokey turbo, so could not tell if I was going too far.

I turned the screw 2 full turns, the diaphram from 9 - 11 oclock, and the star wheel 90 deg.

I did notice some improvement so I left it at that.

I have a boost gauge and I was getting about 0.8 bar.

Last night I fitted a replacement turbo, and before I did I wound the actuator bar up by 3 full turns.

Coming home afterwards the truck seems much smoother, easier to drive and I was getting about 1.1 bar boost.

I have just set the diaphram to 1 oclock and moved the wheel to 180 deg, took it up the road and no excess smoke, but will report back when I go out later for a longer drive.

I am so glad I found this thread. :)
You will not get big turbo lag!!
That is a myth. The air is still in the intercooler constantly so it works the same but more dense air as cooled better!

That makes sense....shame I don't have the odd 400 notes to buy a larger one :(
That makes sense....:(

no it does not.

If say the volume of a standard cooler is 2ltrs and an oversize cooler is 4ltrs you have an extra 2ltrs of air to compress using the turbo, compressing this extra volume uses energy, that loss of energy is turbo lag i.e the effect of the turbo will be slower than with the smaller cooler. It will still reach the same boost but will take longer.

These figures are all just illustrations of course but physics is physics and you can't feck with that. What you need to do is fit the bigger cooler allied with a bigger turbo, or buy a sports car.
no it does not.

but physics is physics and you can't feck with that.

well that may not be the case as they think they have found particals traveling at greater then the speed of light and as far a physics is concerned you cant do that so physics may be wrong afterall.
ok its just that i have heard peeps say by fitting an intercooler from a mitsy shogun makes the go quick, just wondered if anyone has done it and is it worth it.
Yes I have fitted one and YES it makes a difference and I have the 60mm not the 50mm and didn't notice any turbo lag at all so if it does give lag I didn't notice???
Well my intercooler is now sat on the garage floor filled with petrol soaking over night. So this way has cost me less than a tenner for petrol, so will see how it is after I have swilled out all the crap......

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