
New Member
I rebuilt my engine and it's making a tapping sound. Does this sound like a slipped cylinder liner?

[nomedia=""]YouTube- Slipped cylinder liner?[/nomedia]

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There's are other noises on the track which tend to mask some of the 'tap' but I'd say it sounds more like a manifold gasket blowing.
The exhaust manifolds LOOKED ok when I had them off. And I put new gaskets on them and locking plates.

The exhaust isn't any good, but doesn't that ticking sound like a single cylinder?

Another thing is, it doesn't make that noise when the engine is cool.

Anyone know what torque are the exhaust manifold bolts supposed to be?

I thought you had sorted this car ?

I was reading today about slipped liners in the rover v8, if it said if it taps when its hot then its the liner as it slips up and down with the piston when the engine warms up and the casting expands away from the liner, if it taps when its cold its a tappet.
I was convinced I had a slipped liner because I had a rythmic tapping only when the engine warmed on the o/s of the engine area but on further examination it turned out to be the o/s cat knocking when warmed up!
Replaced cat and all quiet!
Yes, I think you guys are right. I unhooked the exhaust Y pipe from the manifolds, boy did it sound good. Loud though. I drove it a couple of miles and I never heard any tapping. So I'm leaning towards it being the cat.

Is it loosing coolent in huge clouds of steam from the exhaust? Does the temp gauge go from cold to off the scale boiling hot in the space of about 30 seconds?

If it doesn't do any of those things, then I suspect that it isn't a slipped liner.
Is it loosing coolent in huge clouds of steam from the exhaust? Does the temp gauge go from cold to off the scale boiling hot in the space of about 30 seconds?

If it doesn't do any of those things, then I suspect that it isn't a slipped liner.
Is it loosing coolent in huge clouds of steam from the exhaust? Does the temp gauge go from cold to off the scale boiling hot in the space of about 30 seconds?

If it doesn't do any of those things, then I suspect that it isn't a slipped liner.

Hmm, well it's not doing any of that. But it is still overheating, and now started running rough. Might be just a loose plug lead or something, but it coincided with when it overheated though.

Sometimes I can drive it around for ages without overheating, and quite often starting from cold I get about 2 miles, then the temperature guage goes up to the red for a brief moment, and then back down to normal.

Today though, it overheated and I saw where it was leaking out of the lower rad hose, so I tightened the hose clamp.

I've burped the cooling system a few times, but it still overheats.

I'll try taking out the plugs this afternoon and see if I see any evidence of coolant on any of them.

coolant burning will remove any carbon from the plugs so they look like new.
normaly if they is a tapping it can either be
1 worn cam
2 worn follower
3 worn rocker arm
4 slipped linner
5 cat
6 exhaust blow
7 false teeth in glove box
coolant burning will remove any carbon from the plugs so they look like new.
normaly if they is a tapping it can either be
1 worn cam
2 worn follower
3 worn rocker arm
4 slipped linner
5 cat
6 exhaust blow
7 false teeth in glove box

No false teeth in the glove box, although there is a mouse trap in there with a walnut on it, because I've found rat turds in there, and heard scratching in the dash with the engine off.

Exhaust blow or cat sounds like it might be right.

I checked the plugs and they all look the same as each other. Kind of blackened, but dry. No clean plugs like there's been coolant in the cylinder, and no white smoke from exhaust.

But it's overheating still. I've ordered a new water pump. I have a spare thermostat, although the one that is in there is new, I'll replace both at the same time.

I may have a bad viscous clutch, but am I right in thinking that if the viscous clutch was the problem then I wouldn't overheat at 70mph, only at low speeds when there's not a lot of airflow?

I take it you didn't check the condition of the valve train when you did the heads? I think voguese39 has covered the possibilities.

As for the radiator, are you sure it isn't blocked? Have you flushed the rad and made sure that the core is clean as a whistle. You are correct that it would be unlikely to overheat at 70mph. Hopefully you have A/C so that if the engine is getting a bit on the hot side the A/C fans will kick in and help to cool it but don't rely on this. V8's don't like getting hot sort the cooling issue ASAP.
coolant burning will remove any carbon from the plugs so they look like new.
normaly if they is a tapping it can either be
1 worn cam
2 worn follower
3 worn rocker arm
4 slipped linner
5 cat
6 exhaust blow
7 false teeth in glove box

I also have a LR V8 that starts tapping when it's hot. Which of these causes happen only when the engine is hot? I know slipped liner is one of them.. Also, I took the exhaust manifold of, and 2 ports are white inside instead of black. Any ideas?
so.. replace followers (and probably the cam too while at it)?

does it make sense that it only starts tapping when the engine warms up?
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