
New Member
Hi All,

Yet another newbie question no doubt, but here goes...

I have an interesting situation with the gearbox on my '84 series 3.
When I first start her up it sometimes will not allow me to select a gear.
I wriggle the gear stick around and it simply won't go into any gear.
There's no grinding noise or anything, as if it's not even trying regardless of what I do with the gear lever.
After while I will eventually "find" some gear, anything from reverse to fourth, and once I've found one it will work in all gears without fuss.

Any ideas?

The clutch seems to work fine, doesn't slip and fluid levels, while a little low, are within normal bounds.
Is she just slow to wake up in the mornings?
the 3 selector shafts need to be positioned exactly otherwise interlocks will stop another shaft been moved if one isnt,detent springs one either side and one on top should move shafts to the neutral position either detents are weak gummed up or shafts arent moving freely
try and feel neutral in all 3 (forwards /backwards)selectors and see if gear change works then ,as said 1 detent either side behind l shaped retainer 1 under brass plug on top of box ,

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