Im sure over the last 7 years, the same questions have been asked many times, i.e. " my heater doesnt work" every winter. If we all searched for the answers the forum might as well close down. Just because some people reply with comments to up their post count dosent make them any wiser than "newbies" Keep asking questions however trivial and most decent members will do their best to give good advice:)

Yu is a cockney paddy FFS what do yu know!!!! :p
Im sure over the last 7 years, the same questions have been asked many times, i.e. " my heater doesnt work" every winter. If we all searched for the answers the forum might as well close down. Just because some people reply with comments to up their post count dosent make them any wiser than "newbies" Keep asking questions however trivial and most decent members will do their best to give good advice:)

Like do a :search:FFS ;)

I really do get it from existing long term members point of view. Ive not had it myself maybe because Ive not asked that daft a question yet but Ive seen folk agressively slated on their first post and it seems a shame of a welcome to the Landy community. I just think 'use the search mate there is loads on your topic already covered' is a slightly nicer approach than 'you f*kin retard imagine not knowing the diff split ratio when diff lock is engaged, give me your reg im coming round to shove that fookin diff lock lever right up yer fukin arse sideways whilst doing wheel spins on yer ball sack with my big mud pluggers rarrrrrrrrrrr I hate newbies

ps anyone know how to make a chocolate fondont...........

Well I'm glad I'm not a member of your saab forum if that's how you treat people:eek:

Do a fookin search:D

Good man, you're learnin. You can stay.:D
I have recently learnt that it's a steep learning curve becoming a new owner of a Defender so I come here for advice and always do a search first.

But I am a bit reluctant to ask a question incase I receive a smart alec reply.

It has put me off a bit becoming a Defender owner, go a bit easier on us newbies please :)
You can push it over to the left to in-gauge diff lock when your in either hi or low. But after you disengage diff lock you have to reverse a meter to take the stress from the gears.

Who told you that? A meter is not very far. Iv reversed a lot further than that to get the diff light off
I have recently learnt that it's a steep learning curve becoming a new owner of a Defender so I come here for advice and always do a search first.

But I am a bit reluctant to ask a question incase I receive a smart alec reply.

It has put me off a bit becoming a Defender owner, go a bit easier on us newbies please :)
Really? lmao
What can happen if you dont reverse? Ive used Defenders for years and only on here because I used to use them with work and now own my own. I have never reversed after coming out of difflock!

Hozza dont be put off its suppossed to be a community thing Landys isnt it! Id even stop and give beermat a tow if he needed, lol.
I have recently learnt that it's a steep learning curve becoming a new owner of a Defender so I come here for advice and always do a search first.

But I am a bit reluctant to ask a question incase I receive a smart alec reply.

It has put me off a bit becoming a Defender owner, go a bit easier on us newbies please :)
A quick look at the currently active users at the bottom of the page usually helps before asking a dodgy question. You will soon learn who will help you.
Who told you that? A meter is not very far. Iv reversed a lot further than that to get the diff light off
my diff light has never worked on the 90, i only use it for laning, when ive come off a lane and am on tarmac if the diff lock has not released i get a bit of vibration so know the diff has wound up i simply carry on driving but drop one side of the vehicle on to the grass verge and either accelerate or stab the brakes, this always works, ive never had to stop and reverse.
What can happen if you dont reverse? Ive used Defenders for years and only on here because I used to use them with work and now own my own. I have never reversed after coming out of difflock!

Hozza dont be put off its suppossed to be a community thing Landys sint it! Id even stop and give beermat a tow if he needed, lol.

It could stay in diff lock, you then get transmission wind up and it can break stuff
my diff light has never worked on the 90, i only use it for laning, when ive come off a lane and am on tarmac if the diff lock has not released i get a bit of vibration so know the diff has wound up i simply carry on driving but drop one side of the vehicle on to the grass verge and either accelerate or stab the brakes, this always works, ive never had to stop and reverse.

with the exception of 1 disco I had that was a fooker toi disengage. Full lock whilst reversing was normal to get it to disengage.
youve only got to release tension grass verge or reversing clutching ie letting shafts inch round etc all do it
Yeah only dun it in a disco 1 never in the fender. Reversed several times over about 30 yards to get it out

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