As Slob already advised me on getting a SIII as a first LR (and car incidentally) over a 90 I would like to know what they are like as a daily runabout town etc i.e. to live with in the real world. Oh and if the £1000 - £1500 are any good as this will proabably be the current budget
With your budget you should get a decent Series III, but a Dog of a 90 for that money. The Series will be much cheaper to maintain as parts for some reason are a lot cheaper. Have you any experience of living with a Series Landy? Like; No Heater, No Power Steering, Slow and I mean Slow. Uncomfortable and a ride to shake your filings out. I've got one and I would'nt swop it though, just be sure you know what you're getting into.
a series 3 great for weekends. but as a daily car? not a chance.

with your budget, get a disco 200tdi instead.
well spydy would not being a weakling help the lack of power steering (or can u fit power steering) and also wouldn't i be able to add a heater in for winter. So ormus u find me a 200tdi disco for 1000 - 1500;) and sypydy is it a practical (laughs) everyday runabout or shud i jus think again 'cos as u say i cud get a decent 1
Mine is for Weekends only. Steering is OK when your moving but try parking one, you need your shredded wheat. It does have a heater but it's crap, there are upgrade heaters available but it's like trying to heat your shed with a one bar fire with the doors open. Ormus is right if you want a daily driver a Disco is probably a better bet, unless you're really comitted.
hmm well i can cope w the cold (i hope) and the steering well can you put power assised on it or is it not possible/ not really worth it. I really want this to be a daily so am prepared for colds n knackered arms cheers Jonathon
contact local LR club and go and just sit in a series111,they r basic,very basic and simply ask yourself wether u want to sit in a draughty metal box everday.people own and run s111 cos they love the rattles,grinding and thuds more than listening to the radio,sunday afternoons would be boring unless there is a s111 to tinker with,its a hobby !
But if u want a landy and those r the funds then i have to agree with slob,but u have too be prepared to put some time an effort into it.I am a member on this site cos like u i am after my first landy and the guys on here r really helpful,but ive still been searching the auto ads for months,but i will get thr eventually !! Anyway,good luck
Thanks very much tookey are u looking along the series line or want something a little younger. I mite try that actually, see if i can find someone nr me (am in t north east peeps nr durham/newcastle if u hv a series III i cud sit in:p) thers also the insurance issue. I've bn looking at quotes which are frankly rediculous and am gna try badgering me dad into letting me on his policy. ah thers a new question do u have to live in the same house as the policy holder i.e. to i have to be living at my dads address???? cheers everybody, Jonathon
insurance will be cheap for a series, cause they know that you wont be going very far or fast, or very often.
and no fecker will steal it either, unless u live next door to a funny farm.
thats what i was thinking but when i was looking earlier today i couldnt find anything cheaper than 2K so any suggestions anyone cheers Jonathon
oh and is ther anyone in the newcastle area or oldham area with a SIII so i cud wrk out whether i do actually want one cz ma hearts pretty much set at the mo cheers J
hi jonathan,
this one is a nation wide site i check every few days,has a lot of series landys

Classic Land Rover Cars For Sale, Land Rovers Car Wanted. Used/Private/Trade, Vintage/Veteran/Old Cars on Car and Classic Co UK

er,well i had done all my research and had decided on a 110 with a 200tdi,just possible within my price range ( 4000 max ),but now have spent a few months reading about landys i am starting to lean towards series111,the 109's.i have to be careful though because i am a begginer and it is tru what slob said about them being good starter landys but if u dont know what ur doing your series111 pride and joy 12months down the line could become "that ****ing pile of junk sapping all my money out of me wallet".I have no time restrictions which is my best advantage,i can view motors and sap knowledge from these guys with no time limit.I havent resticted myself to a series,110 or a later defender,but i think ur available funds will limit u to a series or an early 110/90.
in fact, if u r concerned about using a s3 everday,save up another 500quid and u will be able to get an early 90/110,might be ur best bet,although they r not strictly "defenders" if u put defender in the car sales search engine they will come up.

yer took is right, my 90 is my 1st landy and 1st car :) ive got a 2.5 n/a non power stearing 1984 90. the 1st of their kind :D i absolutely love it. again agree with everyone about spending time fixing it. mine isnt a daily car, its just for now and again. luckily for me. as its currently on the drive with the starter motor on my dinner table! hopefully i will get it running this weekend. if you dont want to fix it yourself, then be prepared to face hefty garage bills. it would be more economical to look at non-landy's if your not prepared to get your hands dirty, learn fast and give up a few weekends.

mine set me back £1900 which i think isnt a bad deal. ok ive got a slow engine and no stearing but look at the wheels!

as for insurance. im 24 live in the centre of Bristol and got classic car insurance (3rd party F&F) for £375. not bad for my 1st car/insurance etc. that inc. full UK/Euro breakdown cover.

just take your time. they say dont buy the 1st landy you see, which is prob. true. but i didnt!

Good Luck (and buy a 90 :D)

I do use my series 3 on a daily basis, mainly because the fuel can come from my business account ( I own a lorry) Its cold, draughty, rattles, screams, wanders, leaks, but I love it............

Guess I am lucky that at 47 I have most of the tools I need, am pretty good with spanners and love tinkering with it, wife reckons for once in my life I am not mooching around the house at the weekends saying I'm bored!!!

Am looking forward to having a go at the lanes, and off roading in it...

Yes i know it will cost, but who cares, it for me to enjoy.....
Your age is the killer with insurance matey, might have to get your Dad to insure it and go as named driver, not strictly legal. the're are some companies that allow named drivers to accrue NCB as well, Direct Line for one. Maybe worth trying.
Thanks everbody, this is part of the appeal of LR's the commaradery and the willingness people have to help each other!!:D:D:D Tookey i am goin to heed your advice, and will hopefully have more money later next year than i do now, and take a little longer to look. I am prepared to wait up until the back end of next year but i really want one by the end of the year and i am prepared to get me hands dirty and get under it whilst me mates are out doin wotever they wanna do, probly getting speeding tickets in their ****ty fiesta's, never know i mite get a hand from a landy mate in time. I would LOVE a 90 but am i not right in thinkin these will be a) a pile of problems at about 2 grand and b) crazy to insure (yes spydy i will try me dad) so looks like a S3 but to be honest, i walk to the 6th form and will only be using it to knock around town n at wknds (cough cough green laning) oh and hopefully attending shows and meets just for the fun:D (nic n i went in the 90 to the LRO show last year - 8 hours travel to spend bout 3 hours there and up at 4AM;)thats how crazy i am for them). Yes i know i'm rambling but basically everythings taken on board and will begin to frequent the forum with more random s3/90 stuff that pops into me head seen as ur all so nice:D:D oh and watch this space. Do we know of any events regarding the 08 anniversary?? (anyone worked out why i want one back end of 07 at the latest yet??:p) Cheers Jonathon
oh,thought it was gonna be used for commuting,well if only weekends and trips out defo get the s111,it will still pull ur mates fiesta out of the ditch that he puts it in after thinking hes the muts nuts at driving after having his license 4 12months !
Dont know wether the old oil under the finger nails,an empty wallet................but a ****ing nice winch on ur bumper will help u with the birds though,oh forgot,ur up in the NE,buy her a bottle of alco pop and a kebab and thats u sorted :). laters

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