
D3 Grandad
Full Member
hiya guys

my brain is t working at the moment due to me putting senga to rest on the 23 rd july

when i start the car up it does with no probs

when iput it into drive and drive around 1000- 1500 revs it feels like the engine is runnig rough and sort of judders if that makes sense

if i sit there with the autobox in neutra and hold it just above 1000 fevs it sort of runs rough, above that on a motorway etc its fine

just concerned some fault could be occurring and dont wish to just leave it in case it breaks down etc or gets a lot worse

dont knkw if that makes sense but when i put it into drive and just pull away gently the engine seems to run rough and like a suppose very slightly judders, or kangarous , but very slightly, about 1500 revs its fine

i know ive got to do an oil change on the engine and filter etc

dont think its the autobox as it will do it in neutral etc

any ideas guys plse

thks again

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Sounds similar to what my td4 HSE auto was doing. Spent weeks doin this n that eventually bit the bullet and took it to local independent and had checked on pro logic £35+vat. Straight away problem I'd,d duff injector. Did the replacement now all fine. Sould,ve taken it in first place would have saved inlet manifold off and degunked, all sensors cleaned, fuel, oil filters changed, engine breather changed egr blanked and new boost hoses. Ahh we'll should be good for a few miles now.
hiya guys

just out the hawkeye on, no faults, turned the maf switch on and off on the synergy box, no change

if i hold it at 1000 revs thats when it will do it, as u look at the car the sort of rough noise seems to be coming from the left hand side

well my son also suggested to me and also to give both of us something to do, we are going to get a second hand engine from the breakers and one that has about 40,000 miles on it, get it all tested, compression tested then the short block recon, and even if it takes a year we not bothered,

as senga and i bought the car it means alot more to me

but i think as u say get a garage to test the injectors for me

it been fantastic and now got nearly 180,000 miles on the clock

it does need a service though but imagine reconed injectors are around 100 quid each as i would prefer to get all four changed if i can afford it

shame the hawkeye wouldnt tell me

do u think that would be the culprite

will be really good to get another lump and learn all about the engine and my son and i wish to do a project together

or im thinking what mine would be worth and possibly hiw much do u think say a 2002 to 2004 td4 , auto , 5 door model would cost me as i have to think very hard as money is now extra tight and thinking of all options

putting senga to rest on tues the 23 rd and god knows how im going to get through it, as we just celebrated 30 years but will soon have her home once shes cremated which does give me some peace and also she died whilst i was cuddling her,

thks again
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Hi Gary,

glad you're holding in there. Have you checked the connector on the end of the fuel rail ? not done it/had it myself, but I've read a few threads on here where the poster has a misfire/rough running and has traced it to the connector on the end of the fuel rail being slightly corroded. Apparently there was also a modified section of loom available to replace this and overcome the problem.

Just a thought before you spend out on a replacement engine
Hi Gary,

Good to hear you. My 2003 TD4 did this and it turned out to be the fuel rail connector. I cleaned it but the fault kept coming back. You may be able to induce the problem with the engine running, by gently moving each connector in turn until it appears. I had to replace the loom in the end. Cost me about £40, easy to fit. Hope this might help.

Take care
I had this, changed fuel rail sensor, same issue. Clean the ****e out of the egr, appeared to resolve it.
hiya thks guys

struggling abit at the moment with tues coming up and appreciate all the kind words

u mention a rail sensor is that a complete loom etc or a sensor

plus last night i turned off the maf compensator on the synergy box and made no difference

if i hold it just above 1000 revs ive noticed white enoke will now come out

u say ref testing the wiring so with the engine running if i pull the plug off one by one if its faulty there should be much difference but if its ok it shoukd then miss on that particular cylinder

it does now worry me seeing this white smoke

also thinking could water in the deisel cause a problem like this, going to try and get the sedimeter plug out tommorow to see if any water has got in the tank, but looks a right pig to get to

thks again

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just a thought


could water in the diesel cause this please, ive got a sedimeter under the rear wheel arch next to the pump and fuel filter

i think there is a hole in the tray unit that everything sits in and will see if i can try and explain to james to try and undo it to see if there is any water in the diesel

got between half and quarter of a tank left which i suppose should be around 6 to 7 gallon left

i assume the best way would be to try and see if there is water in there first, run it down to the low warning light then do it again

or would it better to somehow try and syphon out the entire tank so i know 100 percent thatvthere is no junk in the tank

then refil it will say just a couple of gallons first of the premium diesel would it also me worth to put in a drop of millars in there as well as a double percaution

just really worried as i erm erm didnt say someone got some diesel from the there work place, it was in a clear container and put in around 10 gallon, mine has a 13 gallon tank capacity

another idea i thought of was if i lift the seat up and take the carpet out about taking out the sender unit inside the car and shine a torch in the tank to see if its full of junk etc

ive covered 200 mile so far with no probs and just been the last few days its started. to mess around

just thought if its worth trying to see if theres any water in the tank as it wont cost me anything before i start having to go down the route of new direct rail looms and injectors

its only because i need the car every day next week and dont want it breaking down on me, particular this week

if it did have water in it would it damage my fuel pump of injection system etc please

sorry to bother u guys on a sunday but would be so grateful and just keep feeling im being a nusience

thanks again

if it did have water in it would it damage my fuel pump of injection system

Water in Diesel Fuel Can Wreak Havoc in Engines

potentialy over time it would ..


the sedimenter plug is easy ..

just take a pair of flat-nose pliers .. or similar ..
place a container underneath the plug .. glass is best so you can see what's in the fuel
unscrew the plug about 1 turn or so .. 'till the fuel starts running out
when the fuel runs clean .. close the plug ..

the idea behind the sedimenter is to separate water from the fuel ..
( and any sediment that might be suspended in the fuel )
it's supposed to be drained every now and again ..

any diesel engine .. will have .. or should have a method of separating water from the fuel ..
usualy be called a 'water separator' and is situated before the fuel filter
.. they used to be a glass cup type of thing .. about the size of a oil filter ..
one could see how much water was in it thanx to the glass ..


if you want to prevent water being a potential problem in the fuel system
use .. Diesel Rhino ..
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when i changed the fuel filter, i took the sedimeter apart

inside was a funnel shaped piece of plastic, i reinstalled pointing downwards, the opposite of how a funeel is

its been fine since my friend got me this diesel, ive done around 200 miles on it with no probs but as the fuel gauge has got to just below half a tank this is when ive had this problem with the rough tick over and around 100 revs and the white smoke

i dont notice it when im driving along and it still pulls very well and will sit at 70 -80 mph with no problem at ll

plus do you think it would be worth me pulling out the sender unti and shine a torch in the tank to see if there is any crud in it,

as i thought then once i run it right down culd syphon out the last dregs of full and poor a couple of gallons of fresh fuel in there

then hopefully should be ok, certainly wont get the offer of free fuel again as im even tempted to pump out the 5-6 gallons of fuel out that ive got in there, as concerned it should last around another 200 miles but as it was free worried it could damage something if i use it all up as i dont wish to add extra fuel to dilute it more, as i need o basically get it out

there isnt a fuel tank drain is there by any chance, as im just so tempted to drain the remaining fuel out and could then at least see if there is crud in it or water .

thanks again

someone got some diesel from their work place, it was in a clear container

so the quality of the fuel is unknown ..
'n what was in the container previously is unknown ..
and how clean the container was when fuel was put in it .. be unkown ..

white smoke and judder at low rpm ..
but ok at highway speeds ..

suggests the fuel aint burning properly at low rail pressure ..
but better when the pressure is higher ..

could be a dirty injector nozzle .. or two ..
( if not something else )

maybe .. drain the sedimenter ..
stick some 2-stoke oil in plus some injector cleaner ..
'n fill up at a service station ..


i guess if you're really worried .. then ..
lift the seat up and take the carpet out about taking out the sender unit inside the car and shine a torch in the tank to see if its full of junk etc
Firstly, sorry to hear of your loss gstuart.

Mine is doing the same as yours and last night with the engine running I pulled each injector electrical plug off in turn. 1 out of the 4 didn't really affect the running, so that is the one I will be replacing.

I had previously cleaned the plug on the fuel rail sensor and replaced the MAF while giving it a full service.

If you do end up going down the injector route, be sure to get the right ones for the auto. P/n ends with 130.

Hope this helps…
thks so much guys, i put my wife to rest on tues and blimey i didnt think i could feel that much pain in kissing her goodbye,

ive not done anything on the landy to be honest but next week going to have another crack at it,

for some unknown reason a parcel turned up this morning from rhino, the treatment for the injectors etc, i did however pop a bit of millars into it so thought i would let it run right down to the low level fuel warning light first then

with the engine running pull each lead off and see if that makes any difference

would it also be worth to disconnect the synergy box and wiring so i can eliminate that out of the equation

plugged in the hawkeye and went through everything, no dtcs,

then thought when the fuel level is very low to pull the tank sender unit out inside and syphon out every drop of fuel, got 2 gallons from the filling station and will put that in and go from there

then if it still does it was thinking of then buying the injector loom, may i ask what other sensors should u take out and clean

already blanked off the egr bypass, don't want to just change a load of things as i would like to work through it step by step and find out 100 percent of what the fault it , can then report back,

still fighting at the moment with social etc, and people who are so rude on the phone and just makes it so much harder when your trying to grief and get tossers on the phone

later on though my son hasnt stopped talking about it about getting this engine and for us to have a 6 month or year project to buy on with around 40 ,000 miles on it, get the belts etc changed and pull the head off, then get the block reconed and the head reconed so that i can just put a small amount of money in each month

daft question how hard is it to get an auto box off whilst its in the car, as i could do the engine then out the old auto box back on, then know i would have to get a reconed one due to them being so complex then a new ird,

by the end of it will have a new car, its only because senga and i bought it and would never get the money back but it would allow my son and i to have a project together and learning along the way

so at the moment taking one day at a time and then next week do little by little

but if the loom doesn't work will then see somehow of getting 4 x new injectors as they can easily be transferred over to the new lump , but i believe to get them recon they are around 100 each,

well one day at a time and thks so much again guys
Hello mate, I had a similar problem see post (td4 lumpy misfire) eventually pinned it down to a fooked No 1 injector. Got one from local independent Britpart I think not sure as have thrown the box cost £127+vat. Car now runs like a dream bonus was No 1 is the only one you can change without taking off the inlet manifold. Thoughts with you at this sad time. Sheriff
Just to update, changed no. 3 injector this morning and judder at tick over and hesitation gone. Managed to do it without taking air filter housing off too!

well went out today to the local stealer, i paid cash and got 2 x new central locking motors and thefuel rail pressure sensor repair harness for 120 quid

the sensor is 240 inc vat and the injector being recon are 190 each soi think i will give that a miss

so am going to firstly completely remove the synergy and wiring , fit repair harness, then pull offthe leads one by one on the injectors

clean out the sedimeter , pull the sender unit out and go from there

will then report back

ref the rail sensor can i remove it and clean it

will much later on remove the inlet manifold, fit new gaskets

then send back the synergy and get it updated along with a pierburg and oem switching

will start bit bybit and work through it one step at a time

if u cn give any further tips plse do not hesitate to tell me as i will need all the help i can get

thks again


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