I am an oven enthusiast, and unashamed to admit I have two, and a microwave. :) And I was hoping Al might post some pics of his own collection. :D

That is a shame about the flu, it is horrible, and takes ages to clear up. Mine is gone now, but it knocked the stuffing out of me for almost a month.
My suggestion would be, do not overdo it, if you don't rest, it will come back. :(
We've just got the one. Lights up like a Christmas tree with touch sensitive symbols on the glass hob top. It's a bloody nightmare. The only standard symbol on it is the on/off button. The others mean nothing and I can never remember what they do. I can only operate it by randomly pressing buttons until the right thing happens. I genuinely think im clothes blind, washing machine blind and oven blind. Im not making that up. I think its a side effect of my LR/car/engineering autism. ;)
@Mulcaster1 I'm on my phone and it doesn't show post numbers so ive no idea what post 94 is. I know you've got flu, but please explain all the ovens. The Mrs and I are perplexed :rolleyes::)
We've just got the one. Lights up like a Christmas tree with touch sensitive symbols on the glass hob top. It's a bloody nightmare. The only standard symbol on it is the on/off button. The others mean nothing and I can never remember what they do. I can only operate it by randomly pressing buttons until the right thing happens. I genuinely think im clothes blind, washing machine blind and oven blind. Im not making that up. I think its a side effect of my LR/car/engineering autism. ;)
@Mulcaster1 I'm on my phone and it doesn't show post numbers so ive no idea what post 94 is. I know you've got flu, but please explain all the ovens. The Mrs and I are perplexed :rolleyes::)
For some reason I got slaughtered on here for there being four. My Mrs cooks all the time -!its her hobby. The only people she cooks for other than me is the church when they have a shindig
795 euros and no profit, my bullshit detector is reading pure
For some reason I got slaughtered on here for there being four. My Mrs cooks all the time -!its her hobby. The only people she cooks for other than me is the church when they have a shindig
That was cos they were jealous. Landed on ya feet there, mate. Fantastic set up, she must be keen to keep 4 ovens stoked.:eek:
For some reason I got slaughtered on here for there being four. My Mrs cooks all the time -!its her hobby. The only people she cooks for other than me is the church when they have a shindig
Well the problem is the heathens and unwashed just don't appreciate a nice kitchen, and the issue is most don't know how to cook. They do the easy I'll have me meal in plastic.
There are may times when I wish I had another couple ovens. I got 2 and a microwave. A person fond of cooking/baking can never have to many ovens, or to big of a stove.
Just shed the abuse, like water from a duck back, Tell them to fook off, and if they don't like it they can fook off again.;):)
NO NO Noooooooooooooo Lets have at least 1 thread with out bashing each other
Agreed, no need for that.
As for the brief weather discussion esrlier, it literally is freezing here. Quite a few degrees below and nearly 2 metres of snow. :D
Agreed, no need for that.
As for the brief weather discussion esrlier, it literally is freezing here. Quite a few degrees below and nearly 2 metres of snow. :D
Where the heck are you then? with 6.5ft of snow? actual snow fall or drifts?
Will do. Always take it easy on the first day. Blacks the day after. :) Not many blacks here actually, it's more of an intermediates resort. Great learning resort too. Very good value for money. :D

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