On a similar note (kitchen related), I've just made a coffee machine. Anyone want to buy one? They're only £2,495 but that's good value cos its home made by a craftsman.
View attachment 141524
Actually, you can all pish off cos it was a royal PITA to do and I'm not doing another one. (Unless I get an offer of 3K or over) ;):p
I painted a cheap white extractor unit for our old kitchen years ago because we couldn't find one in the correct Silver to match all the other appliances. In laws thought I was mental.
Now at the risk of incurring the wrath of BB and being banished to the darkest of dark places may I tenatively introduce another camp kitchen to this thread.

This is an all inclusive kitchen complete with top end high quality knives stoves etc.

Now if you are of a weak dispersition or with a weak heart I would strongly recommend you DO NOT look at the kitchen here

Cor, that's proper w*nk too
I painted a cheap white extractor unit for our old kitchen years ago because we couldn't find one in the correct Silver to match all the other appliances. In laws thought I was mental.
Much better than buying a new one, which is what too many people do these days.
Only one oven on and carnt believe she is going to this much effort when I feel crap!
If you wer near there would be an invite - although it's ****shed down all night you could probably sail here!

Thanks, but I have just eaten a baked trout with chilli sauce. :)

Weather is miserable here too. Not extreme, just miserable, few degrees above freezing, and wet, heavy rain on and off all day.
Looking forward to summer.
Thanks, but I have just eaten a baked trout with chilli sauce. :)

Weather is miserable here too. Not extreme, just miserable, few degrees above freezing, and wet, heavy rain on and off all day.
Looking forward to summer.
That sounds amazing - the trout that is!
Oh FFS. And I am vulnerable after a combination of yesterday's mauling and a heavy cold/flu!! Made work may I add!! The pleasures of self employment :) :)

I am an oven enthusiast, and unashamed to admit I have two, and a microwave. :) And I was hoping Al might post some pics of his own collection. :D

That is a shame about the flu, it is horrible, and takes ages to clear up. Mine is gone now, but it knocked the stuffing out of me for almost a month.
My suggestion would be, do not overdo it, if you don't rest, it will come back. :(

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