aww... you just don't know what the DUWK was!!!! I am sure you are right about the melting down part... we left them there to help you guys rebuild you decrepit military hardware. Good thing we stepped in or this would be a Benz forum today.
course we don't know what a duwk is/was... ah tell you i'd rather be speaking kraut than have to put up with yankspeak anyday.not that you did much back then either.
as fer yer coment about decrepit hardware well thats your opinion and as yer a yank no **** will pay the slightest bit of attention to it.

but as you brought it up if you septics could use yer hardware as well as us brits use our decrepit hardware then you wouldn't need to go around looking fer others to help you in yer oil wars.
Range Rover.jpg
Just having a go at posting a piccy. Might be asking for some help if it doesnt work.
last seen taking American tourists on the river Thames at vastly inflated prices. Painted yella if i 'member correctly.
I think there's one on the A38 towards Derby, big kind of miltary surplus place there. Are there Russian versions which are similar?

Yeah... I think the Russian's are more boat looking. If a fella could find an old junk one in a field somewheres, could make a killing selling parts on ebay back to Americans. Just the data plates sell for 1000.00 or more.. seats, window frames other odds and ends. If you could get a whole one crated and shipped back talking 45,000 and up if complete, and not running... double if running.
So if i find one i'm going to be loaded then......all i need now is a trailer !

How much do they cost to buy then.

Cheers, nick.
If a fella could find an old junk one in a field somewheres,
Bloody 'ell if you'd told us this on Friday I could have pulled one off the beach at Bridlington over the weekend.
aw ****.
i scrapped one last month. ffs.

i seem to remember them yanks killed more of their own men than the krauts, on D Day, with their version of a floating sherman tank!
Be tops fer fishing that...............BUT NOT FER £1250 FKN NICKER! Fer a tin boat, I should co-co!
Hallo Guys,
My dads in the military vehicle hobby and yer, you can still get DUKW's, basically they are a WW2 GMC 353in wheelbase truck, with a huge floating body on, and you can get a really decent one for... about 30 grand.
Now thats a lot.
yup... that is alot..... No money in that then..... Do you think the tour line will notice if a few spare parts walked off of theirs in the night;)
They might... speshly if it sank mid-thames with a cargo o' septics.

Hang about! Anyone need any bits fer aq duck? I just had a crackin' idea!

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