I would love to know how a forum could instigate "a blanket ban on non member recovery".

Sorry not come across how I meant. Rather if it was to be made so only members could post in the LZIR thread, or rather only long standing members. There is a post about a lady with a caravan who needed assistance, I think it is great that we can offer help to persons who genuinely need it.
I have told quite a few people about @Headtester 's very kind assistance to myself, and the most repeated comment is that people didn't realise anyone did things like that these days.
As a relative new member, and not an especially prolific poster, I would like to comment that LZIR well and truly saved my bacon a couple of weeks back.
Over my last 10 years of Land Rover ownership I have often helped broken down/stuck vehicles of different marques, I guess its just part of being a Land Rover owner? In these situations it has always been a case of a personal judgement call, if it looks like it could turn into a nightmare because its dangerous/the victim looks like they might want to sue you/assault you/whatever else, there is no hard and fast rule that you have to help. I have variously towed bedford rascals, 44ton artics (in the snow, for only a short distance), broken farm machinery, bits of trees - you name it.
I appreciate that not everyone would want to risk their vehicle or feel comfortable doing this, but there are also some that would.

If a blanket ban on non member recovery is enforced doesn't that kind of restrict the amount of goodwill we are able to offer to the wider community?

With regard to the post last night, I have dealt/worked with a lot of farmers over the years, and rightly or wrongly would have been happy to risk nipping up that lane to give that 4x4 a tug, confident that if anything awkward arose I could negotiate my way out of it. That is my choice, other members would clearly differ. I would have treated the whole thing as a bit of a jolly with the added benefit of being able to help someone.

Sorry bit of a waffle hope it makes sense.
you dont need permission to help anyone
As I have said before and, despite comments to the contrary, I see this section of the forum as something to disseminate information to the forum and, in particularly to those local to a request. Certain information/documentation has been suggested to help cover both the forum and those involved in a shout, but it is down to individuals whether they get involved or not. LZ can neither insist on someone taking part, or stop them from doing so! it is NOT an "official" help system, it is PURELY VOLUNTARY and those highlighted in blue are done, purely so that others can identify those involved in the dissemination of information, not as a "look at me" badge.
People shouldn't rely on or expect any thing from LZIR. If someone can and will help that's up to them. It's very cheeky to internet search for a rescue and end up coming to us but I'm only here cos I did a search for landy forums. Nothing is expected of LZIR members and no body is made to do anything. A blanket ban isn't suitable, its down to individuals to make a decision. I feel that the LZIR despatch agents asking relevant questions (as can/do other members) is making that decision a better one.
The way LZIR works has evolved after extensive discussion and feedback among members on the open forum and will continue to do so.

Broadly I'm in favour of keeping LZIR public as it generally shows LZ in a good light and there have been too many deserving cases over the years to restrict it to established members.

As for posted content it's a tricky balance. There is some minimum information that needs to be gathered before we can do anything useful at all and the answers to a standard set of questions can be very useful in quickly assessing what help is needed before volunteers are put on the spot. It's important that general chat doesn't get in the way during that process.

It's also true that a lively thread draws more people in and keeps the thread live potentially pulling in greater experience, local knowledge etc.It's a balance that won't always be got right but nobody is trying to pretend it's perfect.

It's not AG and I'm not interested in who is upset by not being made a milk monitor.
The way LZIR works has evolved after extensive discussion and feedback among members on the open forum and will continue to do so.

Broadly I'm in favour of keeping LZIR public as it generally shows LZ in a good light and there have been too many deserving cases over the years to restrict it to established members.

As for posted content it's a tricky balance. There is some minimum information that needs to be gathered before we can do anything useful at all and the answers to a standard set of questions can be very useful in quickly assessing what help is needed before volunteers are put on the spot. It's important that general chat doesn't get in the way during that process.

It's also true that a lively thread draws more people in and keeps the thread live potentially pulling in greater experience, local knowledge etc.It's a balance that won't always be got right but nobody is trying to pretend it's perfect.

It's not AG and I'm not interested in who is upset by not being made a milk monitor.

No. I was in mi shed :D

I'll bet you were.

upto no good.png
I haven't signed up for IR yet - not much point until I get round to taking a car test! My lad has signed up and if he is asked to go then I will jump in his Defender with him and a large box of tools. I do keep an eye on IR requests because I may be able to throw a few tools in a rucksack, jump on my motorbike and at least try to help someone local to me until the cavalry arrive. I always stop for bikes on the side of the road (been there a few times myself) and I have been known to stop to offer help to broken down cars especially if I consider the person with the car to be 'vulnerable'.

I'm not a prolific poster and I found LandyZone on a google search for land rover forums looking for a decent forum after my son bought his Defender, I then went and bought my Freelander (waits for the abuse....) after reading through the different areas of this forum.
Sorry not come across how I meant. Rather if it was to be made so only members could post in the LZIR thread, or rather only long standing members. There is a post about a lady with a caravan who needed assistance, I think it is great that we can offer help to persons who genuinely need it.
I have told quite a few people about @Headtester 's very kind assistance to myself, and the most repeated comment is that people didn't realise anyone did things like that these days.
I'm a Scout leader, I drive a Land Rover and ride a motorbike, I like helping people, especially like minded folk; - it makes the world go round and I never know when I might need help too. I know what @Huntinghicap means; he and his misses appeared to be genuine people in need of help, that's exactly how they turned out to be, they were truly grateful and appreciative and I'm sure he'd help me out if I was in a similar predicament.
I get the point about being a member or long standing member with some loyalty to LZ before LZIR springs in to action and am more likely to help a long standing member, but equally I might choose to help someone who was just stuck. If it was a complete nooby to the forum or if I thought it was too risky with alarm bells going off I would have responded differently.
Alf makes a good point about minimum posts and new members and I would definitely take that in to account before offering to help. We all need to be aware we should go in with our eyes open before responding; the guidance in the sticky threads helps with that.

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