Back in the days LZers cared more about having a larf and helping each other than who voted what in some referendum or other

Exactly, but the undercurrent changed the dynamic, my Parent died and I felt LZ was a bad influence & unwanted distraction for a long time. Pleased LZIR still doing as intended
Back in the days LZers cared more about having a larf and helping each other than who voted what in some referendum or other
is it that just some of your mates have left,people still help each other,tech is perhaps better,theres still bullying and politics was as relevant then
I am embarrassed to say that I don't have any of the skills required to be an LZIR "hero" but my basic decency demands that I carry a crate with a gallon of water and a gallon of oil and a tyre pump.
If I see some poor sod at the side of the road needing help, I will stop and ask politely if they need assistance and are they in touch with rescue/recovery/family.
My Nanocom for Thor P38's has been taken to the aid of others and I would hope that if I were in distress, others might come to my aid (although I do have recovery services all paid for and signed up).
Its all about common courtesy and decency in my eyes. Do unto others ...etc.
I do hope LZIR stays as an open (but gently regulated) self-help/others-help function.
I am embarrassed to say that I don't have any of the skills required to be an LZIR "hero" but my basic decency demands that I carry a crate with a gallon of water and a gallon of oil and a tyre pump.
If I see some poor sod at the side of the road needing help, I will stop and ask politely if they need assistance and are they in touch with rescue/recovery/family.
My Nanocom for Thor P38's has been taken to the aid of others and I would hope that if I were in distress, others might come to my aid (although I do have recovery services all paid for and signed up).
Its all about common courtesy and decency in my eyes. Do unto others ...etc.
I do hope LZIR stays as an open (but gently regulated) self-help/others-help function.
its great people still help each other,but you can get issues if people feel compelled because theyve been publicly asked on lzir or some sort of authority is thought to be given because its called lzir
I am embarrassed to say that I don't have any of the skills required to be an LZIR "hero" but my basic decency demands that I carry a crate with a gallon of water and a gallon of oil and a tyre pump.
If I see some poor sod at the side of the road needing help, I will stop and ask politely if they need assistance and are they in touch with rescue/recovery/family.
My Nanocom for Thor P38's has been taken to the aid of others and I would hope that if I were in distress, others might come to my aid (although I do have recovery services all paid for and signed up).
Its all about common courtesy and decency in my eyes. Do unto others ...etc.
I do hope LZIR stays as an open (but gently regulated) self-help/others-help function.

There are no particular skills, or rather they vary wildly. One of the most common asks is picking up a part to be delivered to a stricken vehicle, we've even managed to convoy a wheel rim to France.

A large part of recent LZIR changes is to try and ensure nobody ends up in unfamiliar territory feeling compelled to try something they're not comfortable with.

There's no compulsion to volunteer and none to respond to a shout, we simply try to make attitudes like yours where you help where you can a little more efficient
There are no particular skills, or rather they vary wildly. One of the most common asks is picking up a part to be delivered to a stricken vehicle, we've even managed to convoy a wheel rim to France.

A large part of recent LZIR changes is to try and ensure nobody ends up in unfamiliar territory feeling compelled to try something they're not comfortable with.

There's no compulsion to volunteer and none to respond to a shout, we simply try to make attitudes like yours where you help where you can a little more efficient
perhaps but when publicly asked theres an inference unless you dont understand public forums
Having thought quite a lot about the question and read all the replies many times over I am of the opinion that LZIR should remain open and that we should extend a hand to fellow travellers in life.

Its an understandable knee jerk reaction to having brand new members with non marque vehicles asking for assistance, but we are not compelled to help and as BB has stated many times now, we have tried to create a system that can be flexible and respond to situations where attendees have a wider knowledge and skill based remote resource to draw from should they encounter a situation they were unprepared for, they also have the full backing should they decide to walk away due to unforseen circumstances or down right misinformation becoming relevant.

In short, it works the way it is and we should all appreciate the fact that it exists at all.
As per title, should LZIR be hidden from google searches, I.e a section of the forum that is only visible (and searchable) once you have joined and hit a certain number of posts or something?

Seems to me people join the forum purely to seek recovery, and often don’t even drive the marque and disappear afterwards. on occasion they have also been off piste, which raises concerns.

I am not sure this is the point of LZIR, admittedly I am not a prolific rescuer and have only really helped people i have been laning with, but I chafe slightly at people joining just to get recovery and feel less willing to help them than say a forum ‘regular’.

Now, some will say that if people need help, they need help, but we can’t help everyone and frankly people joining for the sole purpose of a free rescue then contributing nothing back is a bit off in my book.

By making that section of the site not visible to google searches etc then that may combat that, and mean users of LZIR are genuine forum members who are likely to pay it back and help others etc.


Yes - it should be "forum members" only and by that I mean those of us who have been here a while and contributed something; not just 2 posts, one usually titled something like "My Freelander has broken down" and the second "Can I be recovered".

Here are my reasons:

I have in the past helped people on this forum with parts, making things, fixing things, going out of my way to go and assist etc. always through my choice obviously and always at my own cost and often it all goes very well but I have also come across some really rude people - they are usually recent members and I really do apologise to those new members who are decent salt of this earth types but usually newer members looking for LZIR help are only here in times of trouble.

Just an example here, but if someone on this forum offered to send me a part, regardless of them saying they didn't want anything for it I would not sit back and let them send me something and not even try and contribute postage and a gesture of appreciation be it £5 or something. When people help me they always get money, wine, help in return. It is just the done thing. I know people cannot always afford to pay back but just hearing nothing back, not even a text or email with their thanks and appreciation really grinds my syncros!

People who want recovered or help when stuck with no auto-club membership or are stuck off road with no contacts to help them out... well, you really have to question their sanity. I would happily rescue any LZ member within a reasonable radius of my home if time permitted - I would probably not if I didn't know them bar a couple of posts, not any more.

So I think it should be members only, we are like a club - and clubs don't automatically extend all avenues of help and service to non-club members, it also means that when a veteran forum member needs help people may not bother feeling they have done their bit before - thus a "get out of jail free" card has been used unwisely.

As with anything, there would always be variations to this principle.
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perhaps but when publicly asked theres an inference unless you dont understand public forums
The only people that are asked are those that have stated that they want to be asked.
You have never been asked because you have never said you want to help.
To be fair not saying you will help is not the same as not helping. It depends on the situation. Theres a slot of people that would help that could when they could. Or at least I like to think so.

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