
New Member
I have a Landrover Discovery Aviemore R reg. I am the second owner from new. Done about 150,000 miles. Has current MOT and had a lot of work done to get it through. Had overheating problems lately diagnosed as needing new Gasket and gasket head skimming, what ever this means!. Total quote about £700. I cant afford it but the car is too good to scrap. Would it be worth putting into auction as it is. The engine has been taken apart to diagnose the problem so not driveable unless reconstructed which would need new parts. Is it likely to sell at auction for more than the scrap value? Any advice welcome.
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I had a Disco 300TDi and changed the head gasket. I had some previous spannering experience but not a great deal. Following the advice and guides on here I got it done in two and a half days, no problem.

If you bothered to take the time to fill in the profile section of the registration for the forum folk'd know where you are and might offer some help, you never know.
I don`t think this market suits cars like yours at auction, if you were going to sell it better to sell it privately as a project or spares/repairs.
You have the perennial problem of not being able to do anything easily because the head is off, so to move the car you will need recovery or a trailer.
As has been said changing a head gasket is perfectly do-able at home but it depends what else needs fixing.
Why not get a good local mobile mechanic to visit the car and give you a quote, or a good local independent, for comparison with what you`ve been quoted (also ask them to quote to move it for you if you want it back home) ? As has been said if you put the car`s location on here you might get someone local who will offer to help or might be interested in it as a project.
Thanks, the problem is not the gasket so much as the head that needs 'skimming'. Initially they thought there might be a crack in the gasket head but decided it just needed repair. I dont really think this is a job I can do myself even with excellent guidance. Some good advice from IGP50, thank you. Scratchy Dom, not sure how to take your comment about "if you bothered to take the time to fill in the profile section". This is a matter of personal choice and doesn't stop people offering useful advice.

By the way I am in Beverley, East Yorkshire
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Have a look around the forum and you might then know how to take my comment.

Skimming the head shouldn't be an issue. When I had the head off my Disco I had it skimmed by a local machine shop and if I remember right it only cost twen'y quids or so.

And I'm sure you should be able to find a local man in a van mechanic or small Landy specialist who'll put it back together for you for so much less than £700!

If you auction it, even on fleaby, you ain't gonna get much.
Have a look around the forum and you might then know how to take my comment

I'm sorry but what on earth does this mean?

Regarding my actual problem, thank you for the advice.

I have decided that Scratchdom's comments are intended to be condescending, which is something I experience a lot given that I am a woman and I drive a large 4x4. I would like to point out that I use it offroad and towing a livestock trailer and not for doing the school run! I expected better from other Landrover users. Thank you to the other memebrs who offered advice but I will be leaving this forum today.

I have decided that Scratchdom's comments are intended to be condescending, which is something I experience a lot given that I am a woman and I drive a large 4x4. I would like to point out that I use it offroad and towing a livestock trailer and not for doing the school run! I expected better from other Landrover users. Thank you to the other memebrs who offered advice but I will be leaving this forum today.


i helped another member on here swop a head gasket on his motor..

neither of us had done one before but have tackled other jobs.. it took us a day to strip the ancilliaries of the engine, remove head, clean it all up and replace the head..

it really aint too difficult, but you probably wont posses the necc tools..

there is a lot of help on here, and for the offer of tea and cakes or beer volunteers can be found..

as the head is already off the vehicle, drop it at an engineering company for a skim £20 quid has been mentioned for cost, £50 quid for the gaket set and new head bolts..

then ask for help, if yr willing to give it a go, people will help..
Thank you Nick2303 I do feel that there is some hope now. A guy from a local garage came to recover my Landy when the fan belt broke. Although I didn't use him for the repairs we ended up having a long chat and I remember he said he was rebuilding an old Disco in his spare time. I think I might go back to him and see if he can sort out the skimming etc. He also had a low loader so he could pick it up from the garage for me. Thanks for the advice.
i would also get him to check/change the thermostat (only a couple of quid) as the original overheating problem will have caused the head gasket and head failure.

flushing the cooling system and radiator wouldn't hurt either.

did all this on mine recetly as the heater would only supply cold air and was losing coolant now n then..
Glad you decided not to toddle off just yet.

At the risk of playing devils advocate would he not be likely to charge the same amount after all he's still got the recovery to do.....again, the head to skim, pressure test maybe and then the rebuild??
i would also get him to check/change the thermostat (only a couple of quid) as the original overheating problem will have caused the head gasket and head failure.

flushing the cooling system and radiator wouldn't hurt either.

did all this on mine recetly as the heater would only supply cold air and was losing coolant now n then..

The fan belt having snapped is the most likely cause of the over heating etc ;)
Karen, so you're still here then... :p If you'd had a look around the forum before posting you might've noticed that there is a fair amount of banter here, *most* of it good natured. Very sorry that you took offence. I wasn't being condescending because you're a woman (some of my best friends are women) it just bugs me when people ask for advice / try to sell something / ask about lanes and don't say where they are. It's not like someone's going to track you down because you've bothered to complete the profile bit of the registration for what is a free forum with a bit of a community thing going on.

On that note, I just had a quick look and you've started two threads asking for advice and haven't even bothered to introduce yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' forum...

You'll probably get better advice here than on any other Landy forum. You might have to take a bit of a ribbing from time to time. Take it with good humour, or don't. It's up to you. But be aware that people don't log on here just to help you, m'kay..?

I suggest searching on here for head gasket and overheating problems. I did when my head gasket failed and found out why it failed. If I hadn't I would've replaced it and it would've blown again. There are plenty of stories around of people who have done just that.

[Hint - there was a blockage in the Y piece of the micro bore pipe that runs between the header tank, thermostat and radiator, if I remember right.]
Hi Guys Thanks for all the good advice. The fan belt broke last year in March. The overheating started last October and carried on through the winter. I remember it well because it resulted in no cabin heating and I got hypothermia. The garage who have the car at the moment replaced the fan belt in the March and then changed the thermostat and flushed the system in October. It seemed to be Ok for a short while as I had internal heating back but then the problem became intermittent before constant. They replaced the thermostat again this time just incase it was a faulty one they put in and have checked the coolant system which is Ok. I think the gasket was the only thing they hadn't checked in their search for the source of the problem. I find it reassuring that you guys are thinking along the same lines as my mechanic.
Just a thought...

You ride horses, right..?

How would you feel if someone walked into your horse house (stables, right?) and said I've got a horse, it had a limp and I've carried on riding it for a few months and it's got worse, shall I have him shot? All that before introducing themselves.

With that little rant out of the way can I respectfully suggest that you *never* use that mechanic again. Engine overheating and nowt coming out of the heater? Most likely explanation, fubared head gasket. Best way to warp the head if your engine is overheating? Keep on driving it for a few months. And they never bothered to check it..?

I think it's ****ed. Scrap it and buy yourself a slity.
Karen, so you're still here then... :p If you'd had a look around the forum before posting you might've noticed that there is a fair amount of banter here, *most* of it good natured. Very sorry that you took offence. I wasn't being condescending because you're a woman (some of my best friends are women) it just bugs me when people ask for advice / try to sell something / ask about lanes and don't say where they are. It's not like someone's going to track you down because you've bothered to complete the profile bit of the registration for what is a free forum with a bit of a community thing going on.

On that note, I just had a quick look and you've started two threads asking for advice and haven't even bothered to introduce yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' forum...

You'll probably get better advice here than on any other Landy forum. You might have to take a bit of a ribbing from time to time. Take it with good humour, or don't. It's up to you. But be aware that people don't log on here just to help you, m'kay..?

I suggest searching on here for head gasket and overheating problems. I did when my head gasket failed and found out why it failed. If I hadn't I would've replaced it and it would've blown again. There are plenty of stories around of people who have done just that.

[Hint - there was a blockage in the Y piece of the micro bore pipe that runs between the header tank, thermostat and radiator, if I remember right.]


I agree with everything he said above, and to clarify why he suggested putting your basic details in the forum is so that people who are willing to help will know roughly where about in the world you are. There are members here from Poland, America (but you can't blame them for that,) Australia, even Russia and just about everywhere in between, circumnavigating the globe in almost any direction imaginable.

For instance, there is no point in me offering to help you if you live in Cornwall as I live in the Scottish highlands, but, if you lived near me then I'd either offer to do the job in exchange for my dinner or I'd be willing to lend you the tools and give any guidance needed to do the job yourself.

It has absolutely nothing to do with age, gender creed or colour, just a bunch of helpful lads and lassies trying to offer assistance to those who need it, but, sadly, you seem to have responded in a way which would put many helpful people off. We are here purely on a voluntary basis, we offer help (for what it is worth ... and that is plenty in many cases) to anyone who needs it but if you bite the hand that feeds you then you'll be starved of any tidbits.

Just my tuppence worth.


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