i really need to type faster...

was goin fine when i started to type that last post...

little abuse but nothing major..

i got worse when i joined.. no intro and post on biggest tyres... i apologised and after bein on the forum a while i realised why i got burned,..

after reading all the bits i missed.. still just needs skim and rebuild..

nothing changed there...
hmmm... so they have now removed the head and found its at fault?

they could have deduced this from checking the coolant (for oil contamination), the oil (for water contamination, it emulsifies, white muck in oil) or checking for exhaust gases in the coolant by a "sniff test"... this samples the gases in the coolant system and shows whether exhaust gases are getting into the coolant..

any hoo.. the head is off, so needs skim and rebuild.. and the car moving..

Have they given ya a costing for work so far? is that included in the £700?

How far away from you is the car?

Is it a landrover specialist? Landrover Dealer?

so many questions, so little time...

and so little chance of a response !!
thats why i said skim if necessary ,if very warped id replace but presumably ,machine shop would advise ,very overheated heads are buggered as internal stresses are relaxed and move again ,theres allways too much that is experience to put in words ,even checking bores for signs of aluminum etc

If it aint bananna shaped it may well be cracked ... I did understand what you were saying, but I was hoping she'd lose the hump she seemed to have ans realise that she was getting good advice among the banter. But to be honest, having seen her attitude, I'd be loathed to help her in anyway at all.

I pity her husband/partner (if she has one.) But I genuinely feel sorry for her cuddies, I've known people much more pleasant than her and I hated to see the way they treated their gee-gee's.

(cuddy and gee-gee are two terms most horsey people abhore when applied to their own animals...:D:D:D)
i really need to type faster...

was goin fine when i started to type that last post...

little abuse but nothing major..

i got worse when i joined.. no intro and post on biggest tyres... i apologised and after bein on the forum a while i realised why i got burned,..

after reading all the bits i missed.. still just needs skim and rebuild..

nothing changed there...

I joined after much reading of old threads. I never thought to introduce myself and went straight into talking about a few probs my Def TD5 had. I was given some great advice and help and really got into the swing of LZ. I'd been here about two months at least and with a fair number of posts and still no abuse.. In the end I complained loudly on a thread where some poor bugger was getting the **** ripped outta him and he was getting proper upset, so my complaint drew some of the banter away from him and onto me and I loved it, it made me feel proper welcome and part of the forum, I've never looked back ever since.
She's from Beverley FFS that says it all. The ****ers whio think they are too posh to live in Hull, move to Beverley..
I'm too busy. Loads of work to do, both busy work and Landy work. But I just can't help myself. These pointses need answers. I do hope you come back Karen, I miss you I does.

Karen, so you're still here then... :p If you'd had a look around the forum before posting you might've noticed that there is a fair amount of banter here, *most* of it good natured.

What you dont know is that I have been visiting the site for a long time as a guest and have searched it well looking for answers to problems with my car. In some cases I have found exactly what I was looking for but in these two cases I felt I needed to post a question. You have made a massive assumption about me.
If you'd been visiting for a long time surely you'd've got the jist of it...
Very sorry that you took offence.

OOh clever way of not apologising. You are not saying that you are sorry you said something to offend me just sorry that I took offence.
Blimey, you managed to hit the nail right on the head there. That's a first.

I wasn't being condescending because you're a woman

Were you being condescending for another reason?
Yup, 'cos you're obviously a daft, stuck up bint with no understanding of how a community works. I pity the town / village / estate that you live on.
it just bugs me when people ask for advice / try to sell something / ask about lanes and don't say where they are.

What difference does it make where the member is. Do you not offer advice if someone lives up north?
No it doesn't make a difference. Although I doubt now anyone from here will pop round to help you out in exchange for tea and cake (hmmmm, cake) anyway.

On that note, I just had a quick look and you've started two threads asking for advice and haven't even bothered to introduce yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' forum...

Was this compulsory?
Am I allowed to say '****tard' outside of Anything Goes?
You'll probably get better advice here than on any other Landy forum. You might have to take a bit of a ribbing from time to time. Take it with good humour, or don't. It's up to you.

I dont mind good natured banter from people who know me or as a result of something really stupid that I have said but neither of those apply here.
You turn up here out of nowhere, don't introduce yousel' and expect help from complete strangers. And wonder why you get a bit of ribbing. Arrogant tw@t springs to mind...

But be aware that people don't log on here just to help you, m'kay..?

Dont they? I thought that was the whole point of forums. A group of people with a common interest who swap stories and advice. What did you expect it to do? I am on several forums and previously was on a great Pajero owners site. People have a choice whether they wish to offer advice to other members. It's a shame you didn't just ignore my posting instead of trying to point score at my expense. All you have succeeded in doing is to put me off using the site again and, if any visitors read this, putting them off joining. Well done! ever thought of going into PR!


Yeah, the whole point of forums is for people to log on and help YOU.


Oh, hold on, no it's not. They're there for folk to build a bit of a community and help each other.

I wasn't trying to point score (although I think I may 'ave got a few). I was trying to point out where you were going wrong. Maybe in a slightly sarcastic way, but there you go.

Oh no, you're not coming back. Gutted.

If any visitors read this thread and they're put off joining I'm sure there won't be many members of the forum crying into their tea. If however, visitors read this and learn a little about how LZ functions and how forums in general work then you've actually done us a favour illustrating how stoopid, arrogance will get you flamed...
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just been to pick up some stuff from a ebay seller..

he's sellin 300tdi motors complete for 250 quid... 350 for a 200..

could of just put another motor in it....
not bothered to read all the posts. got bored of the attitude.
just for info, ive dragged a 110 back from hull for a free engine swap, and taken its owner back at the end of the weekend. collected him from the station the following weekend to collect his 110.
he's been back numerous times and we're now good friends.
people do help, if your prepared to help yourself.

why cant it be helped goin back to read summat again?
wish i'd not not posted at all in this thread now
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Classic case of not following good advice and then giving abuse to those who would have offered good advice-snotty nosed bint, one who hasn't a pot to **** in-but thinks she is better than us.
Funny thing is even Scratchys gentle ribbing went along with good advice....she must be a proper barrel of laughs :eek::rolleyes:

How do people like that survive in the world? :confused:
Funny thing is even Scratchys gentle ribbing went along with good advice....she must be a proper barrel of laughs :eek::rolleyes:

How do people like that survive in the world? :confused:

Lonely single and man hating generally-bunny boiler specials

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