Right Luke, what people are trying to tell you is that owning a Land Rover means that it probably will be a drain on your finances, especially an older one.

They're not the most economic vehicle on the road and they can also cost a bit to get repaired too, especially if you're unwilling or unable to do the work yourself.

Parts are fairly cheap and easy to get hold of and you can sometimes reduce the parts bill some more by using recovered/salvage parts.

If you decide that you really do want a Landy then the best thing to do is to get to know some friendly knowledgeable owners, and yes, there are plenty on this forum, especially if you ask properly and don't try to sound as if you already know-it-all (that route leads only to abuse) and then do some research on the subject so that when you do find the one of your dreams you'll know exactly what it is, what it will do and the pitfalls and pleasures of owning it.

While you're doing your research you might also want to start getting together a toolkit, even if you do intend to put it into your local garage for repairs, there will be things that go wrong which will be better dealt with yourself.

Introducing yourself to the forum, ironically in the "Introduce yourself" section is a good place for you to start all over again.
of for ####s sake people. i've comes here looking for a little advise from people who he i presumed to know a thing or to and so far i've had sarcasm, patronism, and judgemental annotations over my posts, use of language and lack of expert knoledge.

1 'Roll eyes' - maybe i no longer need to find the introduce yourself section is because i've been made so welcome already
2 - saying 'nuff. is part of my sub culture. it is a lovely big wide world full of interesting quirks of language
3 - what i'm talking about...clearly i don't know exactly what i'm on about - THATS WHY I'M ASKING.

but all of this is incidental and off topic. does anyone have anything that may be of help to my particular line of inquiery? would be of great help. Thanks.


And BOOM! Tonights newbie stoppy ****er award goes to..............youve guessed it, its you! :D

Right now we have a reaction we can move on :D

first things first, stop being a stroppy ****. Forget forums as you know them. You need to stop thinking that people owe you an explanation to every question you ask, if your not going to help yourself then why should i???

There is no such thing as a mk2 defender, a search on google would have sorted that out for you.

The whole being new thing is no excuse, we are not here to answer the same bull**** questions every night. There is a search button ^^^up there^^^ again there is also google. If you still cant find the answer then ask away.

Lastly however you want to put it saying 'nuff' is not part of any culture. You still sound like a dick. Save your bollocks kid talk for the play ground

'ya dig' :doh:
Ignore these lot but LZ does attract a lot of dimwits so patience wears thin. You obviously arnt the usual retard though so not sure what the big deal is.

If you can work a welder and a spanner then you'll be fine with an old landy. If not then I'd be wary if your on a limited budget.
Right Luke, what people are trying to tell you is that owning a Land Rover means that it probably will be a drain on your finances, especially an older one.

Although i'd agree and said the same thing - thinking about it, my 1964 S2a costs £100 to insure, free tax and £200 a year in parts...

BUT... it does need a new chassis now :rolleyes:

Ignore these lot but LZ does attract a lot of dimwits so patience wears thin. You obviously arnt the usual retard though so not sure what the big deal is.

If you can work a welder and a spanner then you'll be fine with an old landy. If not then I'd be wary if your on a limited budget.

OY! Some people have provided some very constructive answers, so, don't come on here being all high and mighty and degrading to the rest of us :ban:
Does anyone know what Landy it is yet? :confused: Come on Luke, spit it out (not the dummy) is it leaf or coil sprung?
Although i'd agree and said the same thing - thinking about it, my 1964 S2a costs £100 to insure, free tax and £200 a year in parts...

BUT... it does need a new chassis now :rolleyes:

OY! Some people have provided some very constructive answers, so, don't come on here being all high and mighty and degrading to the rest of us :ban:

Ahh don't cry. I'd only seen the first page, didn't notice the others till I posted.
i've been researching like mad - steep learning curve. Its a '68 model, 3 door, pretty long wheel base, hard top, 'van type' i.e. open space with no divider between the front cabin and no seats. Has cradle type suspention as opposed to coil springs.

so its tax exempt and cheap to insure, and we reckon would be cheap(ish) as long as as i am willing to get my hands dirty - is that right? Anyone here have much in the way of hands on mechanic stuff? i currently don't but am willing to get into it!

Thanks for the postitive responses from you lovely people.
See, isn't that much better :). You gotta have thick skin on here but if you're planning on hanging around then welcome
i've been researching like mad - steep learning curve. Its a '68 model, 3 door, pretty long wheel base, hard top, 'van type' i.e. open space with no divider between the front cabin and no seats. Has cradle type suspention as opposed to coil springs.

so its tax exempt and cheap to insure, and we reckon would be cheap(ish) as long as as i am willing to get my hands dirty - is that right? Anyone here have much in the way of hands on mechanic stuff? i currently don't but am willing to get into it!

Thanks for the postitive responses from you lovely people.

2a, lovely bit of kit. Yes expect to get your hands dirty but they don't come much simpler, and aside from stubborn rusted and rounded bolts, or easier to work on.

Spares are plentiful and cheap and this 'orrible lot 'ere will talk you through anything.....

I've driven Series Landys as daily drivers for the last......dunno.......7 years? Knew nothing about them when I started, don't know a whole lot now but enough to find out how to do pretty much everything.

Still got the original 2.25 engine? Petrol or Diesel?

Unless you lose your sense of humour...
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I've been umming and ahhing about wether it would be a good purchase or not. I am enthused to hear that it is simple machine and taking advise from [some] of you guys can prepare myself to make a project of if.

Thanks again for the positive & helpful responses they are proper appreciated!

However, i don't think i'll be hanging around. i got such a s****y series of responses from some people that i don't think this is really the sort of place i was hoping it would be.

Still, have fun, thanks (again) and consider not being a d*** to the next person stopping by for some friendly advise.
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i've been researching like mad - steep learning curve. Its a '68 model, 3 door, pretty long wheel base, hard top, 'van type' i.e. open space with no divider between the front cabin and no seats. Has cradle type suspention as opposed to coil springs.

so its tax exempt and cheap to insure, and we reckon would be cheap(ish) as long as as i am willing to get my hands dirty - is that right? Anyone here have much in the way of hands on mechanic stuff? i currently don't but am willing to get into it!

Thanks for the postitive responses from you lovely people.
Some people call them leaf springs! ;)
If it is in good nick, that is a really good vehicle, Assume you mean 109" wheelbase? A real classic that looks the part, slowish on the road but a great offroader. Useful load carrying and towing capability. Like all landies chassis and bulkhead rust are your enemy!
You will need good tools and some aptitude for mechanical work. They are simple things to work on but it can be difficult to get things apart on old ones. Jacks, ramps, hoists etc will come in handy, as will a good grinder and welder. It is important to keep up with the many maintenance tasks if you want reliability.
Btw, I have worked on landies, tractors and plant for about thirty years, if that counts as hands on! :)
maybe your statement is valid for people who have made more than one post. But the bottom line is that you have been an absolute dick to a stranger making polite inquisitive conversation(you know who you are). Think maybe you could try not being an ***hole instead. That would be preferable to strangers needing 'thick skin'

luke,you have to realise,this is landyzone,not benicetomezone.you will get all or as much help as you will ever need on this forum,but understand you have got to join in with the banter as well.it is all done with good intentions,it is to see what you are like,ie a dummy spitter,or a bloke who can take the jokes/abuse and still come back for more and dish it out as well.:D
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I've been umming and ahhing about wether it would be a good purchase or not. I am enthused to hear that it is simple machine and taking advise from [some] of you guys can prepare myself to make a project of if.

Thanks again for the positive & helpful responses they are proper appreciated!

However, i don't think i'll be hanging around. i got such a s****y series of responses from some people that i don't think this is really the sort of place i was hoping it would be.

Still, have fun, thanks (again) and consider not being a d*** to the next person stopping by for some friendly advise.

This place is the best LR resource available, put your dummy back in and lighten up......or close the door on the way out...

But it'll be your loss :rolleyes:
luke,you have to realise,this is landyzone,not benicetomezone.you will get all or as much help as you will ever need on this forum,but understand you have got to join in with the banter as well.it is all done with good intentions,it is to see what you are like,ie a dummy spitter,or a bloke who can take the jokes/abuse and still come back for more and dish it out as well.:D
What he says
Originally Posted by MyNameIsLuke View Post
i've been researching like mad - steep learning curve. Its a '68 model, 3 door, pretty long wheel base, hard top, 'van type' i.e. open space with no divider between the front cabin and no seats. Has cradle type suspention as opposed to coil springs.

so its tax exempt and cheap to insure, and we reckon would be cheap(ish) as long as as i am willing to get my hands dirty - is that right? Anyone here have much in the way of hands on mechanic stuff? i currently don't but am willing to get into it!

Thanks for the postitive responses from you lovely people.

nice reply

Originally Posted by MyNameIsLuke View Post
maybe your statement is valid for people who have made more than one post. But the bottom line is that you have been an absolute dick to a stranger making polite inquisitive conversation(you know who you are). Think maybe you could try not being an ***hole instead. That would be preferable to strangers needing 'thick skin'


Originally Posted by MyNameIsLuke
However, i don't think i'll be hanging around. i got such a s****y series of responses from some people that i don't think this is really the sort of place i was hoping it would be.

Still, have fun, thanks (again) and consider not being a d*** to the next person stopping by for some friendly advise.

balls to yer then
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However, i don't think i'll be hanging around. i got such a s****y series of responses from some people that i don't think this is really the sort of place i was hoping it would be.

Still, have fun, thanks (again) and consider not being a d*** to the next person stopping by for some friendly advise.

And you looked to be doing well after the initial dummy spit:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

I can guarantee that it will be your loss;);)
There are peeps on here than will be able to talk you through anything and EVERYTHING that will go wrong with you Landy, because some of them could do it blindfolded:eek::eek: The peeps on here can and do, go well above and beyond the call of duty. Just look at several recent threads with newbie's being rescued, motors fixed, advice etc etc. The difference is those newbies didn't throw their boys out their pram at the first sign of a joke/sarcasm:rolleyes::rolleyes:.
So the choice is yours, you can wind your neck in, have a look round and join in with what is arguably the best Landy forum bar none, or shut the door on the way out....... you won't be missed:p:p

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