... And there was me looking forward to being helpful towards someone with a Series!

Ah well, maybe next time ... :D
Ah what a silly little f**ker.

He actually got some good sensible replies and help, came back saying it was an excellent Series... lots of support on here with great experience with them who could help him with everything and he's f**ked off.
Has he gone then?

Never mind, I kinda liked him. :D

On to the next one then :)
Bump - yu will incur the wrath of an irate Blue Meanie! oops Beastie ;)

Perhaps I should report my comment for him... :p

I stared it all out though? I thought we were ok to swear if we star it out?

If not i have a hell of a lot of editing to do :eek:

(Wait is hell classed as swearing? I think the turquoise one needs to write a definitive list of swear words we can / can't use.)
Bugger, I missed this one, you lot are pathetic I know I could have got his dummy going much further than that little spit.

Up your game guys this is embarrassing

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