
New Member
So, I've had some excellent help so far on here and I've read through the posts and diagnosed that I have a problem with my stub axle because it wobbles in the 6/12 o' clock positions and applying the brake stops it.

The wobble is 2 mm, and I have been kindly informed that no amount of wobble is acceptable.

What I can't ascertain is whether it is advisable to amend the shims, or best advised to replace the stub axle, or is there a third option to replace other worn out parts within the stub axle?

I'm not looking for the cheapest option, just the right one.

thanks very much.

it would sound like wheel bearings ,either need adjusting by removing outer nut and lock washer and carefully removing the free play by tightening nut till free play is just removed .or if bearings are poor replacing them
OK, well that would sound like a fairly quick and straightforward cure, thanks for that. I had a mechanic check them and he said they were OK, but maybe his OK is not THE OK.
disco 1 uses an old fashioned wheel bearing set up , remove drive member , knock back tab on nuts , remove outer nut then lock washer then inner nut then solid washer ,then outer bearing check race in hub and rollers in bearing if not damaged ie pitted scored etc regrease bearing and refit then solid washer then inner nut , tighten just enough to remove all free play ,no more otherwise you will put too much pressure on the bearings , then fit new lock washer or straighten old one if ok then fit outer nut and tighten fully ,knock washer over inner nut and outer nut ,
I will be looking at the wheel bearings but the quick fix is replacing the wheels as two of them were bent..

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