
New Member
Morning guys :)

Got myself a Disco 2, had her for around four weeks.
Absoloutly love it!!

However the past two mornings I have went out and gone to unlock her and there's bugger all response from the key. I had to unlock the door manually. Put the key in the ignition and the lights are haywire on the dash.

After faffing about, I gave her 100% on the throttle, put the key in and got the ignition back as normal with the alarm going off. Out with they key that's now fully functional and de-activated the alarm. Everything's now working as it should and she runs sound all day long after that.

I have looked through a few threads but can't find any relating to this. Does anyone have any idea what's going on here?

Thanks :)
The vehicle battery must be 'tip top' condition, if not you can have a problem as u discribe.
I have a similar problem with mine. But I'm 300tdi. When it's below freezing my locks do respond and open. But the lock again instantly. Asif a spring has gone... Hasn't done it since that last lot of snow so I can't watch whilst it does it to find the fault!
The vehicle battery must be 'tip top' condition, if not you can have a problem as u discribe.

Cheers Discool, ill give it a check tonight.
It makes perfect sense, however I don't get why the accelerator pedal is overriding the slightly under powered battery, or is this a feature?
ours forgets the keys signal and wont unlock remotely if left for 24 hours or so. Can unlock the drivers door and the remote then works to disable the alarm. It is almost certainly the receiver which is in the roof towards the back, water gets in and gradually degrades them it seems or the earth becomes poor.

About £30 to replace but need to get the headlining down so it's a job for the warmer weather!!!!
I agree with discool that the battery should be the first port of call, especially given the lights on the dash. Try giving it a good charge but if not successful you may need a new one. If battery voltage is low you get all sorts of problems from the electronics.
Apparently this is quite normal as it states in the book that the system goes to sleep if left long periods once you unlock the driver's door manually press the unlock button on the key fob again the key fob should become active and disable your alarm
This might be a very obvious post.... But have you checked the terminals on the batt are tight and not corroded? might sound stupid but a corroded terminal on my mates disco caused him some hassle... :confused2:

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