The more sh*t metal I cut out the more I find. Footwell is gonna need doing aswel. Any tips on that? This bloody Landrover!!!!!!!!!!
Tell you what. If I ever have to do it again I'm just buying the complete thing from yrm and not fecking around with thin pitted metal again. Worth the 80 quid in my opinion!
Mines the drivers side aswel. Passenger side is absolutely fine an yet the drivers side arch is virtually none existent. Wat did u do with the floor tom? Just cut old rusted metal out and patch up with plate?
Basically yes. Bit of a ballache job but happily I've got mot until July. Just don't want last minute stress!
That sounds good price i think it will be way forward for me. Get it all done in one then no f**king about.
My mots due April. Not too fussed about that. Got a mate that does it for me just Wana fix me disco up properly. Well in gonna av a good crack at it this weekend n see how I get on.
If you look at my thread HERE i did a full replacement of both inner wings and light boxes using the parts from YRM.

I am now part way through inner and outer sill replacement
If you look at my thread HERE i did a full replacement of both inner wings and light boxes using the parts from YRM.

I am now part way through inner and outer sill replacement

Some work u did there mate looks great, mine isn't quite as bad and doesn't need that much doing thank god. I use mine as everyday car aswel so can't have it off the road that long. I only keep my landrovers for 2 years max usually until they die an off road death then replace with another but have become rather attached to this one. It's a gooden. And would like to keep her an restore fully but already fancy a 110 so just gonna patch it to make it last until funds allow for a 110. Would of had one this year but the Missus forced me to buy a house instead. Hate that woman sometimes.

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