
De Villes Advocaat
Got sum mecul today :). Need some way of transporting bits for the never starting trailer build so I thought rather than an yewge great roof rack I’d buy a set of roof bars.
Then I noticed the price of them and the fact they are probably made of recycled milk bottle tops so I decided to over engineer some. :D



Sum 2mm and sum 3mm along with a length of ‘T’ profile and a lump of channel.
Costs so far is £20 as most of it is from a local bus company engineering department :oops:.

Had a quick look this afternoon and managed 4 of these witch will obviously be the gutter brackets.


I welded a bit of the 3mm on the bottom edge to thicken up the 2mm plate. I wanted to bend the plate at the 130 mark but I can neither get it in the vice or have a bendermibob.

Next job is vertical strength using some more 3mm strips and a welding rod.

I’m sure I have a roll of 2mm rubber to stick on the bits that touch the gutter.
Bustin mi ump again :D

Bit of head scratching and ammer bashing again today. Had a play with the clamping plates.

Started like this


Yes it’s a lump of ‘C’ channel with the sides lopped off.

Then turned into this


And finally this.



I can’t find a ruler with numbers on or mi glasses so I will mostly be winging it as usual :oops: Had han hupset with a weld on nut on the side bracket. Three little dabs with the stick welder and success. The bolt ran smoothly and all was well. Then I decided it would be betterer with more weld.

It didn’t end well. I may be grinding it off if I can get the ruddy bolt out.
I'd pay good money fer a pair of those - more than a burnley to Roosendale day return.
Materials cost was about £30. Throw in the few welding rods and drop of paint I already had and Its cost a damn site less than some posh ones I would be too nervous to leave on.

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