yea cheers it helped,just abit stuck with the thing,iv done alot to it,engine rebuild,only rings,shells,and head gasket,and callibrated the injectors,and plug conversion,and new valves,reseated and ground in,new stem oil seals,but its just not right, thing is it was soooo slow with the origonal gearing ,its stupid!! but thanks anyways! :D
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one question i have,not to do with brakes,but i have a 2.25 diesel,and would love to put a hight ratio box in there,but obviosly the engine will have to be tip top,but even then,will it pull alrite,at the moment it pulls rrc diffs,and 7.50's okay,but come up to a steep hill,it does have to be quite steep,but ur fooked! obviosly the engine is not tip top atall,but when u say tuned,i presume u only mean petrol,or have you seen 2.25 diesels in good shape,if so i wud love to hear what they are like,because i love the engine,they are abit underpowered tho!! thanks :)
its not doing bad if it pulls on 3.54 diffs a 7.50 tyres, ive often had to remove the diff and replace std for the diesel
you should remember you are driving something that was designed to be a tractor as well as a runabout ;)

the speed of a fifty year old design really shouldn't be compared with a modern motor, it was designed with the limited technology available at the time, even most cars or motorcyles fifty years ago wouldn't pass 100mph whereas just about any car you buy now will touch 115mph and many will exceed 150mph, fast on my old 70s motorcycles was 110-115mph, 25 years on and there was a few that would pass 145mph with relative ease and accellerate to 100mph in seconds, i've a 1995 GSXR750ws that i've seen 150mph indicated on the speedo, fastest motor i've ever owned
well no it dont do bad atall,for an old diesel once she is warm its alrite,it climbs most hills in 3rd if you keep the revs up okay,and she pulls away in second when cold,so she dont do bad,that why i wanted the high ratio kit,becuase if it pulls the diff,with a rebuilt engine in tiptop,it shud pull the box okay! thats all i was thinking! thanks for the inpt tho,and yes ino they arnt built for speed,but 35mph flat out is silly!! :D
35mph flat out in top with 3.54 diffs and 7.50 tyres, it'd only be ticking over at that speed, i don't shift into top gear with my tdi, 3.54 diffs and 7.50 tyres until i'm doing 35mph or more

i think your speedo error is confusing you, remember if your speedo is for a swb on 6.00 or 6.50 tyres and you have 7.50 tyres there's an immediate under-read by about 10%, add in the 3.54 diffs and there's another 30%

so roughly 33% of your indicated speed needs adding on to get your actual speed

35mph indicated with the increased gearing would put you a gnats whisker short of 50mph actual speed, and if your engine can develop the power it'll take you to speeds in excess of 70mph without trouble

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