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I just took delivery of a 1982 Land Rover series 3 lightweight, ex-Dutch military, only to find out the car only drives in 4 wd modes, high & low, but not in 2 wd. Any advice on what the problem can be? The car was shipped roughly 1200 miles on the back of a truck and a lot of the bolts were loose and I actually found a few missing. Is it possible the linkage disconnected? I'm not real familiar these vehicles.
Welcome to the forum, my money is on the red lever being slightly bent. Mine was on my 2a:oops:

Does it feel like it's not going far enough forwards to engage?
Welcome to the forum, my money is on the red lever being slightly bent. Mine was on my 2a:oops:

Does it feel like it's not going far enough forwards to engage?

It engages and the shaft spins, but the rear axle is not moving. Any thoughts on this one?
Welcome to the forum
OK, so the work has been completed and finding the correct axles proved to be harder than the actual install. One axle was completely snapped in two and the other was ground down to nothing. The Dutch military, 24 volt, diesel seems to be a little more difficult to get parts for in the US than the standard Series 3, but all is well in the end. Thank you all for the tips, suggestion and general support. Great group of people on here and I am lucky to be part of this community.

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