
I have a series 3 2.25 petrol that when started up from cold takes a while to fire up. It sounds like it turns over fine but takes maybe 10 seconds to fire up. Once it is fired up and driving for the first time from cold sometimes it cuts out when revs are taken off.
Any advice?
Im no petrol wizz, but does it cut out if you get moving immediately when cold or even when its been sat idling for a minute? Sounds like fuel, and choke issue, often old petrols end up wanting a good amount of choke even after they started when theyre cold, do you keep the choke on for a bit? It may not be all there, but thats as far as my unentirely educated petrol opinion goes ;)
It cuts out after been moving and when to drop the revs to stop at a junction it just cuts out.
Even with the choke out it struggles to start up. Could this be a spark plug problem?
As one who used a petrol Landy for many years Ryan is pretty well on with his post.
Ignition system has to be in good order.
Make sure the choke is adjusted so it fully closes and fully opens [not opening enough will ruin your mpg] and as Ryan says keep it on about half until motor warms some.Only experience will tel you exactly how much for how long for your motor. Modern systems do all this automatically but back then you just learned the best way for your motor,even ones of the same type and make would behave in a different way.
I have a series 3 2.25 petrol that when started up from cold takes a while to fire up. It sounds like it turns over fine but takes maybe 10 seconds to fire up. Once it is fired up and driving for the first time from cold sometimes it cuts out when revs are taken off.
Any advice?

Make sure your choke linkage is correctly set up, in that as the butterfly is closing the throttle starts to come on to give you a bit of fast idle.
Which carb have you a Solex or a Zenith ? The two are very different in design for starting, it maybe you need to refurb and clean them.
Same with my petrol and as the guys said its a case of using the choke, mine would generally cut out from first start if I don't give enough choke but after 4-5 mins she will run on her own.
my s1 needs a good bit of choke to start and go this time of year or it dies as soon as you start to move as above a good 5 mins maybe more depending how cold it is then you can lose the choke
What are you doing taking that historic Landy out in this...
Icey weather and....
Salted roads? :D:D
my s1 needs a good bit of choke to start and go this time of year or it dies as soon as you start to move as above a good 5 mins maybe more depending how cold it is then you can lose the choke
What are you doing taking that historic Landy out in this...
Icey weather and....
Salted roads? :D:D

I'm not at the mo, due to lack of creature comforts, I do have to move it around sometimes though, we haven't had any gritting so far this year, for us to get snow that lasts the rest of the country has to be neck deep in it :D

London boroughs usually end up giving their grit to other councils that have run out
You don't get settled snow because you've all got your modern
Central heating on....
Up North we've got...
Miser grates...
That barely melt the frost on the...
Inside Windows!!
I'm not at the mo, due to lack of creature comforts, I do have to move it around sometimes though, we haven't had any gritting so far this year, for us to get snow that lasts the rest of the country has to be neck deep in it :D

London boroughs usually end up giving their grit to other councils that have run out
yes I grew up in Manchester, we didn't have central heating to start with, I remember the weekly coal delivery and the bunker round the back of the house or the coal hole, the snow and smog etc, the good old days when you were considered hard walking round in your t shirt in winter usually because you couldn't afford an overcoat :D
It was going to the outside loo on a cold very dark [out in the countryside] night that was scary,but you could have company though as it was a TWO seater.
What is your tick over speed like?
I used to have mine set so that in 1st it would drive along the flat with no added acceleration.
How long does it take to get the engine warm , if it is along time check the thermostat is not stuck open.
I would expect the top hose to radiator to be cold for a least a couple of miles.
It cuts out after been moving and when to drop the revs to stop at a junction it just cuts out.
Even with the choke out it struggles to start up. Could this be a spark plug problem?

I dont think so, in my one i dont have any spark plugs and it works fine, i put glow plugs in and 4 injectors ;)
Check me out i got something right (maybe) about petrols :D
Ryan I have been looking into your Landrover and coming up with only one thing. You may need to turn it off and keep it off that will 100% fix your smoking problem
Ryan I have been looking into your Landrover and coming up with only one thing. You may need to turn it off and keep it off that will 100% fix your smoking problem

Ryan I have been looking into your Landrover and coming up with only one thing. You may need to turn it off and keep it off that will 100% fix your smoking problem
Excuse jamie my partner in crime he doesnt know how to use forums and posted on the wrong thread ;)

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