
New Member
Have just bought my first Landy, Series 3 88" 1983. Apparently all the 'ivory' bits (roof and rear side windows) come off easily to reveal a topless beauty for the summer. However I do have a full rear door.
How easy is it to replace (temporarily) this with a stable door, or just a half door for the summer?
Secondly I am looking to beef up security with something like a crooklok, which will be even more essential if i do the 'topless' bit. Any ideas/advice gratefully received. I am an accountant not a mechanic [but very keen to learn and give this 25 yr old the TLC she deserves] so feel free to state even the most obvious.
While i'm at it thanks to SLOB for the invaluable advice re Yellow knobs and Red Levers.
Easy is a variable, IIRC there are approx 30 bolts holding the roof , then you have those that hold the sides to the body, having said that its quite possible to chop and change, if you have the time.
You will need a lower tailgate, and hinges and securing antiluces, to close off the rear end. You dont say if you intend to fit a soft top, if you do you will need all the frame as well as the canvas.
Crook lock will give a few extra minutes security.
If you are not thinking of canvas hood suggest you go to Helly Hansen and get an immersion suit for summer:D
As an accountant you will soon appreciate the cost/benefit ratio ;)
you're better orf getting a few mates and lift the roof complete with sides orf in one go
Once you've got the roof off, give the landys interior a good hoover before you take it out on the road. Then beware that when you get up to around 40mph, all the dust that you missed will start flying around and get into your eyes so it probably wouldn't be wise to take it straight out onto a busy motorway. After a couple of miles, all the dust will be gone and your vision will return and then you can enjoy the summer in style.

Suppose you will have to look at your seat belt mounting? Mine's old enough not to have any so I can't help you with that.

The only problem I had with no roof last summer was when I got caught out by a huge thunderstorm. A great big hail stone came down, bounced off the steering wheel and hit me in one eye while driving round a bend. It was then that I was reminded that large puddles of water and drum brakes aren't the best mix. It was all fun though....
take the roof and sides off, 6 bolts at the back and ten (ish) across the screen

Take the door off is easy, don't bother with a tailgate door unless you have something important in the back like beer.
Thanks for the advice guys...especially the reminder to wack some beers in the back.
On another forum (i didnt post anything, honest) it was being suggested that a side opening tailgate was easier to fit and less annoying than a drop down one if you weren't gonna be carrying long loads. Any thoughts?
Get yourself a drop down tail gate (Dont forget the chains) and away you go.

you could take the sides off with the roof still attached:p
Have you thought about taking the roof off with the sides?

Oh and on the security side, i reckon there must be better things to do than a crooklock - battery isolator switches are cheap, easy to fit and effective, a switch to cut the coil feed if its a petrol would work well as well. Ignition switches are more of a pain to wire in but again another effective solution. None of these are as visual as a crooklock admittedly, but I expect they are more effective.

Others may well have better ideas!!

PS The roof is heavy and is a pain to fit if your outside, there isn't much space, its hailing, dark and your wife isn't as strong as you need her to be, nor does she really want to be faffing around with rooves when there is good stuff on the telly, pick a better time than I did and follow Slobs advice of getting a few mates round. 2 of you can do it, 3 would be easy peasy.
You might want to have a think about what you're going to attach the upper seat belt mounts to when the roof is off.
You might want to have a think about what you're going to attach the upper seat belt mounts to when the roof is off.

Depends on whether it has inertia reels fitted I guess. The newest I have is a 1981 (I think) and these still have the static belts attached to achorages on the top of the rear tub.
Spose it might have been a bit of a transitional period. I've got an 82 S3 with inertia reel jobbies and the remains of a 68 2A that hasn't got any at all but it should have being made at that date. Spose you could fit anything you want so long as it keeps the MOT man happy.
I'm planning to do the same. Got a '72 SIII SWB. Got a rear roll cage ready to go in and I'll attach proper seats belts to that. (Currently its got seats belts attached to the front corner of the rear tub- which is what you could do I suppose. Although it is low -it feels a bit weird coming up and over your shoulder.

Canvas rooves and hoops seem to be expensive and I dont like the look of hoops when the roof is off.

I'm planning on making a more regular style of collapsable roof out of vinyl.
I'll keep ypu posted how i get on. Will be a coupla mths before I get round to that. Got RRC axles and discs to go on 1st. Oh n the transit engine!!

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