How's the temperature situation going
Sorry just seen this, been busy trying to solve other bloddy niggly problems,
Anyway think its sorted I fitted a new voltage regulator as the one I was using was an old second hand one, tested again idling and needle only went about 3/4 way up, after about 45 mins, give it a run out and needle stays about half way, not going in to the red anymore,
Speaking of test driving Had my first proper try today, only about 4 mile or so.
Must be honest it is a pig to drive,
brakes still not perfect but it does stop, Loud, heavy steering , slow, gears a bit hard to find, Think the carb needs a little tweaking so that may make a difference. a mate who has just about finished a rebuild had a go and he said it was better then his own to drive , wouldn't like to have a go of his if thats the case
First time I have drove a Series. Are they all like this ? suppose I will get used to it after a while.