Well-Known Member
Finally got it fitted today, put the bottle on passenger side where the original would have been, wired it up to earth then switch/ button to one of the wires on wiper switch as you said, it worked great, Thanks would take red feed from the washer push button to either green feed on wiper switch using a piggyback crimp or off the ignition fuse box to the push button , black from washer push button to washer pump (other side of pump to ground) where are you going to fix it passengers bulkhead side .
Had my first go round the field, only got it in to second gear , just a small field after a good half hour the temp gauge was nearly at the Red again, did not loose any water though so still not sure whats going on with the heating. Think I need to give it a run down the road to see how it goes but need the brakes bleeding again first.
Heater was turned off all the time but it was like a bloody furnace in the cab, is this normal ?