hard top man

New Member
hi got a early 60 s landy and i want to up grade her shes got a knacked old diesel in her on her last legs so thinkin of 200 or 300 tdi engine upgrade so thinkin maybe coil spring suspension am aware of these hybrids / different chasis etc was wonderin best way to go cheers
just buy a 90 rather than wreck a classic, you'll get slagged for joining the ranks of knobheads claiming historic status for owning a vehicle that clearly shouldn't
lol i like ur reply u sure u aint a fly on our wall in our front room because last nite me and the missus was talkin about jus buyin a 90 and being done about it lol
hi got a early 60 s landy and i want to up grade her shes got a knacked old diesel in her on her last legs so thinkin of 200 or 300 tdi engine upgrade so thinkin maybe coil spring suspension am aware of these hybrids / different chasis etc was wonderin best way to go cheers
If you use a different chassis you may run foul of those nice registration people.( unless someone knows different) You may end up with an illegal vehicle & all the problems with insurance claims etc & we all know how eager insurance companys are to pay out.
parabolic springs 200tdi done and you should nt be accused of car ringing by some one
hi got a early 60 s landy and i want to up grade her shes got a knacked old diesel in her on her last legs so thinkin of 200 or 300 tdi engine upgrade so thinkin maybe coil spring suspension am aware of these hybrids / different chasis etc was wonderin best way to go cheers
As long as you keep the unaltered chassis, and at least 2 major components, then you will be able to keep the Series II/IIA ID. Unfortunately you cannot fit coil springs to a leaf sprung chassis without modifiying it. If you do modify the chassis, then the vehicle must be subjected to an IVA or SVA, and will probably be issued with a Q plate.
200tdi, check
3.54 diffs, check
7.50 tyres, check
parabolics, check

still an 88 Series landrover, most definitely :D


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