Cheers for the info Datatek, will keep you in mind for the EAS cable when it packs up!

Ok, update on the H/L ratio motor issue..

Disconnected C603 from the Transfer Box ECU and took some resistance measurements,
S1 1 ohm
S2 1 ohm
S3 5.7 ohms
S4 2.1 ohms

moving the shift motor to the opposite limit by applying 12v to pin1 and pin 25 of C603 I then measured:

S1 1.1 ohms
S2 1.1 ohms
S3 1.1 ohms
S4 open circuit

Therefore, I've figured position 2 is at "Zone 2" and position 1 could be either 0 0 1 0 (with a short on the wire going to S3) or 0 0 0 0 (with a high resistance on S3)

*Note.. This is very misleading, as in RAVE a closed switch is referred to as 0 and open as 1 !

Are the measurements at position 1 indicating an issue with S3? (S4 is displaying open circuit in one position so this wire isn't shorted)

As this is my second motor im thinking I may have a short on wire(s) returning to the ECU from the motor position switches - as a fault on both motors in such a short period while not being impossible, is highly unlikely.

I got my hands on a security torx bit and removed the old motor's switch, however discovered that it seems to be a sealed unit, therefore cannot inspect it for problems.

My next intentions are to measure the resistance resposition switches from the plug c658/c558

Anything else I should think about?

Thanks again!


Not at all misleading, standard logic terminology. 0 = switch closed = 0 volts applied. 1 = logic Hi level usually from a resistor = + 5 volts or + 12 volts depending on the circuit.:D
Surely if you didn't connect the Transfer Box ECU, it would say Transfer Neutral cos it doesn't know where it is as it isn't giving the information to the BeCM - so the BeCM tells you it is in Transfer neutral as it knows no different....

Just on the off chance is there a fuse in position 11 under the Drivers Seat - I know it might sound like sucking eggs - but to get Transfer Neutral you put a Fuse in this space....if there is one there (or even a short in the wiring emulating a fuse) would put the car in Transfer Neutral....

I know it's in Transfer Neutral because I selected 1st gear and there is no drive, there had been previously.
There is no fuse in the fusebox for transfer neutral and no way that the motor can be moving from the HI position I pre-set it in due to having the ECU disconnected.

As Datatek has confirmed the manual is correct in the way it shows the switches, I can only assume that the switch pack is faulty, out of sync or something.

Will order another motor :(



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