chris freestone

Active Member
hey guys just a quick question here, currently in the process of changing out a bent conrod in my 200tdi after hydrolocking.... was just wondering if there is any problem with using a second conrod as a replacement or does it have to be a brand new one? just wondering if the way the bearings ware on the rod would cause a problem here?

So long as you are sure its straight then it wil be fine. I've worked all over Africa and is SOP to use whatever is to hand. No such thing as a LR main dealer in the deepest darkest African bush.
actualy while im thinkin bout it..... shells, is it better to replace with new ones or reuse the ones already there because that have worn with the crank?
Why would you go to the trouble of stripping an engine to that extent and not replace the big end and main bearing shells? It makes no sense.
I used a second hand one a few months ago when I repaired mine after a hydrolock. I replaced all the bearings while it was apart.
I fitted a second hand rod to a 110 Tdi just before christmas with no issue,actually the worst bit was getting the bent rod out,it wouldn't go up through the bore without some "modification".

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