People are misrepresenting what they sell, and ebay allows this. Its full of rubbish tat anyway. Nonsense that people don't really need.... and scraped seconds of all goods priced at semi new prices...etc etc etc. Yes there some good stuff, but there are also scams, blags and dodgy artists selling rubbish. And ebay know it and they should sort it out. It depends perhaps what you mean by ethical - I personally don't think conning people into paying excess amount for rubbish plastic tat etc is know like those TV stations on the Digital Network (BBC/UK government controlled), half a dozen or so auction channels. Thats just so so worthwhile. Why not promote mutliculturism and harmony and inter-communal understanding and peace by having at least one Eastern channel on Digital. Not one single one. Instead BUY BUY BUY TV. Total crap!

Crikey Moses I hadn't looked at it like that before..... Well I for one am from this day forward going to boycott Telly sales channels an ebay, an while I'm at it I shall boycott the olympics, deffo shan't be going, an nuffink anyone says will make me change my mind..
oi pikey, can you recall something about 200tdi sump plugs fitting in the oil cooler pipe holes on a 2.5TD oil filter housing
yer a fookin star pikey, here it is:
Round the other side of the engine, the oil filter housing has connections for an oil cooler. We don't need that, so the filter housing has to be converted to 2.5 non-turbo spec. Undo the two bolts in the end plate, withdraw the plate and remove the thermostat and spring. Replace the plate, and then blank off the oil cooler connections with two Rover V8/200 TDi sump plugs (part number 603659) and copper sealing washers.

i fookin knew i had heard it somewhere
do yer mean you can buy stuff off the telly? hows that work then? do you have to shout into the speaker or can you connect yer mouse up to yer telly?
what sort of stuff can yer buy?
if i bought some petrol would they send someone round to fill me car up?
and am with grunt on this am not going to no oh! limp picks neither
well its your fookin loss, im away ter bay jings ter watch all the runners and stuff, i likes the bit where yer man comes runnin in wiv a big ice cream cornet on fire
brings us back some drugs then. there's gorrra be lots left over at the end. you should be able to pick em cheap

I remember going down in boysuns chair at Gaping Ghyll when about aged 10 - at the bottom in the cave were a load of geezers with metal cups full of you've appeared on the internet talking about landrovers!

I remember going down in boysuns chair at Gaping Ghyll when about aged 10 - at the bottom in the cave were a load of geezers with metal cups full of you've appeared on the internet talking about landrovers!
i remember being at gaping ghyll some time ago we was in th ecave at the bottom drinking tea outta tin mugs, when we seen this snotty little 10years old come down on the bosuns chair.. seem he's now on LZ talking bollocks
Dont know whether this is the right place to put this, but as you are on the subject of scams, I had a response to a series 3 I am selling on here from a guy called Mark Scott. Gave him the info he asked for, and even offered to reduce the price by £400 if collected by end of April (dont want to renew the tax!) but he is a scammer asking to pay by western union. So a word of warning, if you are contacted by just ignore it, he is a conman.
Ey an another thing, if your asked to email a copy of a post office money transfer, to prove your commitment to an internet purchase, obliterate the number and personal question details first. Sounds obvious but a mate of mine would be 4 grand worse off if he hadn't.
Weren't there a 'mudplugger' on here recently? Odd that he goes on about Landies but ain't showed up here unless it wuz the above?

Can't see that he will now mind. Little scumbag.

I've just registered today as "mudplugger" and I'd just like to say that the reason I've registered is to advertise a bit of Landy stuff that I have kicking around.

I'm not the scammer mentioned above.

I'm a genuine off road enthusiast, and I compete in trials, but most of my 4x4 stuff is not Landy. ( sorry guys ;) ) so I doubt that I'll be active in your forums.

I use the same nickname on Difflock, so some of you will know me from there.

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