Section me. You knitter.

I am going to bed .....

Night night Hybridgirl!

Sleep tight, and don't let the Mondos bite!

Uncle CharlesY
For F sake shut up "Uncle CharlseY" and lose the Uncle "bit". I know your type. And, Yes. I will call her that (whatever "that" is) when Mondo's around, cos Mondo don't scare me one bit. None of you scare me. Get a load of Hybridgirl: "You made me ****ing laugh." Glad I did. Hoi! Hybrid! Bring your torque wrench and some beer. We'll show these lot up. PS: Mondo. With a name like that I will have you sanctioned. As a lunatic and an illegal immigrant. PS. You'll get yer arse kicked.
are the drugs wearing off then miller. you are the sole reason why lethal injection still exists in some states of ameirca
He's quick that Millertime oaf.
It took him only fourteen days to try to tick me off for being HBG's uncle.
Speedy Bloody Gonzales.

Anyway, I reckon it's up to my dear HBG to decide who she wants for her adopted uncles .... not some vulgar beer swilling peasant who should probably not be let out on his own anyway.

Anytime soon I reckon it's going to be Uncle Slob too!

It has always been a puzzle trying to work out if reincarnation happens.

Millertime proves it does - no-one could get that dim in only one lifetime.

There are a lot of dodgy people and deals on ebay and ebay know it - not the safest place to buy stuff.
yer joking of course. ebay is one of the safest and scam free sites on teh net. they invariably take all reports seriously and would never allow any thing dodgey on there.
I don't think anyone on here has ever heard of any thing untoward happenning in connection with ebay.
People are misrepresenting what they sell, and ebay allows this. Its full of rubbish tat anyway. Nonsense that people don't really need.... and scraped seconds of all goods priced at semi new prices...etc etc etc. Yes there some good stuff, but there are also scams, blags and dodgy artists selling rubbish. And ebay know it and they should sort it out. It depends perhaps what you mean by ethical - I personally don't think conning people into paying excess amount for rubbish plastic tat etc is know like those TV stations on the Digital Network (BBC/UK government controlled), half a dozen or so auction channels. Thats just so so worthwhile. Why not promote mutliculturism and harmony and inter-communal understanding and peace by having at least one Eastern channel on Digital. Not one single one. Instead BUY BUY BUY TV. Total crap!
i think you're very mistaken. i have an uncle wot works for ebay and he tells me they just wouldn't allow that to happen. you must be getting mixed up with that other online auction site
well i have bought many goods on ebay and i can honestly say none of them were shoddy or cast offs. i think its like anything, a small few selling rubbish give ebay a bad name. i think you will find if you report these people to ebay they are very helpful and soon respond by getting rid of this sort of traders.
oh yes mr yella , one only has to report them and they are banned from ebay for ever. they can't even re join using another name as they check email addresses and wont let them join up again. so its really very safe and secure
i once knew of a bloke that got scammed on ebay and lost 1500 quid. he reported it to them and they refunded his money and banned the seller, i think they sorted it all out within a week as well. my mate was well chuffed

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