yeah, how's that work?

isn't the defender a labour intensive production line and apart from emissions, the safety features aren't good enough for other world markets.
yeah, how's that work?

isn't the defender a labour intensive production line and apart from emissions, the safety features aren't good enough for other world markets.

Im not sure the emissions thing is a death nell, after all the 2.2 is a reasonably new engine and it werent good enought then they could swap it for another as they have done previous. Think the ladder chassis is whats killing it, along with no crumple zones, airbags, pedestrian protection etc etc etc...
The fender wont be saved by petition, sales maybe but most likely a re design is needed.
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Im not sure the emissions thing is a death nell, after all the 2.2 is a reasonably new engine and it werent good enought then they could swap it for another as they have done previous. Think the ladder chassis is whats killing it, along with no crumple zones, airbags, pedestrian protection etc etc etc...
The fender wont be saved by petition, sales maybe but most likely a re design is needed.

afaik they have to hand build most of it; which will be killing them.
I don't agree the current Defender has had its day they should replace it but they should replace it with a modern take on the same basics. I would like :-
Separate chassis
Similar looks to the current vehicle
Solid live axles.
Options on wheelbase
modular bodywork
A cab that I fit in

In fact I just want a Defender that's the same but new, a clean sheet design.

Jeep are still knocking out Wranglers and Mercedes are still doing the G Wagon which is basically a defender copy in a posh frock.
TOO RIGHT i signed it!!

Get this signed people! i would love to see the defender made for many more years to come so that one day my children and maybe my childrens children may enjoy these beautiful trucks!
I've signed it although I doubt it will help, seems everyone is getting brainwashed these days into driving boring euro boxes/hybrids and quite soon I'm sure electric crap.
I wouldn't buy a new one anyway personally, the reason I chose my 200tdi 110 is I'm sick of modern electrics/engine lights/sensors and poor quality cheap parts, now my nut and bolt rebuild is complete I hope it keeps mine on the road for another 20 years unless some piky takes it that is.
All done
But only 66 have done it!!

C'mon where are the rest of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Amazing isn't it on a several thousand strong forum that noone will take two minutes out of their life to sign :rolleyes:
But for those of you that have
Thank you thank you!!
You all rock :D
It appears it's much easier to spend 2 minutes typing why it's all so pointless :rolleyes:

It would seem so, this is how we all just roll over to big companies, by the assumption that its pointless saying anything, if noone stands up to them however futile it may seem then they win every time and we just put up with the loss of things we're fond of.
So come on peeps give it a whirl, and make landrover at least think about it! :D

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