It has been a busy couple of weeks, I've had my breast cancer operation this week and Philip has been buying stuff for the interior of the trailer, ready for the next stage of building. His Black Sparkle cladding will blow your socks off!

While I can't 'recommend' breast cancer surgery, a very big "Thank You" to the nurses and surgeon at Kettering General Hospital, lovely bunch and really went out of their way to make me comfortable.

Got a drain tube in my side now, having to get the bottle emptied daily, but the fluids are slowing down and the surgery getting more comfortable.

Good to see you are back and hope everything has gone well, keep up the good work but do take things easy to start with.
It has been a busy couple of weeks, I've had my breast cancer operation this week and Philip has been buying stuff for the interior of the trailer, ready for the next stage of building. His Black Sparkle cladding will blow your socks off!

While I can't 'recommend' breast cancer surgery, a very big "Thank You" to the nurses and surgeon at Kettering General Hospital, lovely bunch and really went out of their way to make me comfortable.

Got a drain tube in my side now, having to get the bottle emptied daily, but the fluids are slowing down and the surgery getting more comfortable.

Get well soon
What a great read. Thanks for sharing the thread. Hope you're recovering well. How's the project coming along?
Things are slow as Philip hasn't got much money after buying a new set of tyres, and I've had the surgery, so give it a week or so and we'll be away again.

Thanks for the wishes from everyone.

More progress, but not much to take pictures of.

The fridge is in place, the solar panel wiring is inside and waiting for the controller.

Hoping to be mobile for the Nuenen show in mid-may.

Just a bit of an update on the breast cancer situation.

The surgery has healed up well and although my male modelling career is over :) I feel OK and able to be more active now that the wound has healed and I have almost full use of my left arm again. Stretching out to reach for something still pulls a bit, but it is getting better by the day.

Chemotherapy starts soon, 6 doses, three weeks apart to allow my white cell count to recover, followed by 15 days of radiotherapy, then 10 years of a hormone drug to ward off anything that's left :(

So we are juggling dates now as the chemo is fairly strict on timing and we have three events to go to, Nuenen in May, LZ12 in June and Lincoln Steam Rally in August.

Plus I have the 'new' D2 V8 to get running and I'm still working full time (at 70)

You youngsters never had it so good! :) :)

Update after the cr*p weather of late, Philip has got the bed base fabricated, wiring in place for roof lighting and solar and the Truma Ultrastore outside vent/terminal.

Pictures, in no particular order:








First day of chemotherapy tomorrow, hoping that won't be too bad.

Chemo 1 over and done with, haven't suffered too much, a bit sickly yesterday afternoon but just feel tired today.

We've been migrating all our websites to a new company and haven't got all the FTP stuff sorted yet, but I can still use the site on the USA server, so here's a few of the interior after the new bling cladding was put up.

Bubble foil insulation and an air gap behind the cladding.









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