
I'm heading out to the plains and some of the local green lanes tomorrow (Sunday 13th) if anyone wants to meet up, or even better act as a guide.
I'm heading out to the plains and some of the local green lanes tomorrow (Sunday 13th) if anyone wants to meet up, or even better act as a guide.

Make sure to double check the lanes are not still on a VTRO or seasonal TRO, the wet winter has delayed a few lanes being reopened.

Last time we started just west of larkhill, however I notice a couple lanes just off the 303 further west which might be a good starting point. I'm traveling up fr Somerset
How far are you from winterborne stoke?
It's on the 303.
Just looked at a 50 mile loop ends in bulford
PM if you want info.
Be aware I have not drove this.
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wish i had read this yesterday, would have been right up for a trip out as need to test my transfer box. not driven the planes before though despite being about 20 mins from them. if anyone needs a second person/vehicle for a trip im always up for a day out and would love to explore the planes.
I didn't go, my wing man discovered his defender prop was dead at 4 o clock saturday.

There is a pay and play at mannington next Sunday we Intend to do that instead
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Had a good recce of possible routes yesterday, did a few lanes off 303 someset way and old roman roads and then scouted around the plain by road finding where some start and finish, no signs saying any where shut but was getting dark and phone was low on batt so will return another day. Looks good though!
Nope I'm stuck on a marshal point for mountain bikers Sunday.
But to get to my point I can do some green lanes there & back & make a good day if it. Then follow some of the MTB course & sweep up the any breakdowns/punctures.

@90jc do you use GPX files? I have some routes but are unconfirmed. If you want to test?
Yea have used gpx files a few times, iv got a few programs that wiml open them, think i can see it in maps on phone too. Always up for an adventure so will gladly have a look at them and report back, un-confirmed as in right to drive is un-confirmed?
Pm coming over with email address.
Reply & will send files.
I have not drove these lanes but are marked on OS maps and just need checking ;)
Thanks for that, ill check them out when i get home and hopefully get some feedback on them tmo, if you could send the others too that would be great as a plan b or for another day.
@Hicap phill

i went for a look around and most of your route is drivable, luckerly the flags were down and gates open, its a fantastic place. didnt do the whole route as a very kind chap on a quad offered to give me a bit of a tour of the different areas and i didnt want to turn this down. im trying to put together a route of where i went to send you so you can compare it to your route. its very easy to get lost and i often ended up turning round and going back to make sure i wasnt where i shouldnt be.
some of the tracks on your route are signposted on the ground as private military roads but are on definitive map as byways, some arnt signed at all, nethertheless i didnt drive theese but most are well signposted as BOATS by glass and wilts council. none are on the list of wilts closures. your start point is good and was one of my favourite lanes with some of the best scieniery. i also headed to the western end on my way back and headed southpicking up a few more out this way.
lots of water holes some very deep so id recomend checking on foot everytine you come to one, one side might only be a foot deep but the other wheel rut can be over 4 foot deep, lost my welly twice. (take a long stick). often its possible to go round them so shouldnt be a problem unless we get alot of rain, id say 95% of the route is drivable in a standard vehicle with a bit of experiance, the bits that arnt there is always another way around to get to the next waypoint using a different route. Your route crosses a stream near the start, this is the only place that looks possible to cross due to high (stagnant) water and very soft ground.
Thanks for the update. This route was just planned of the OS map app so I never know what the land will be like. ;)
It's good to know if routes are drivable as wasting fuel to find it's a normal road is not fun.
It's a slow week at work so I may be on the maps later looking for more routes.
If you send a PM or say where a closer start point is good I will look at lanes from there.
Thanks for the photos & updates on signage.

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