Gonna limit the group size to 7! So gimme a minute to work out how many we've got and I'll sort out a list!

And WLM is sorting the route so you'll need the post it note sprog ;)
7.Freddy 007

WizzyWill you're first on the reserve list!

Feel free to moan if I got the list wrong I was trying to do it quickly!
Rich has got my number !!well up for it tho
Had a good time last time what out with you lot !!
Went to muddy bottom 2day it was ok not Many people
There only about 6landys and one nob in a ford Ranger haha
Rich has got my number !!well up for it tho
Had a good time last time what out with you lot !!
Went to muddy bottom 2day it was ok not Many people
There only about 6landys and one nob in a ford Ranger haha

What's it like down muddy bottom at the moment? I was meant to be going down there today but still waiting for my calipers to be delivered! Stupidly got rid of the old ones thinking the new ones would be here the next day :crazy:
Muddy bottoms was ok it just gets a bit boring arfter a bit
And there was not meany people there .they have made some
New stuff there too it was a lot better then the larst time I went !!
You can Actually do a lot of the tracks with out smashing the **** out of you
Landy !!
Can you not up the Group to 8 Vehicles I am Itching to get out and try my new bits
My landy has been off the road for 2week !!
Muddy bottoms was ok it just gets a bit boring arfter a bit
And there was not meany people there .they have made some
New stuff there too it was a lot better then the larst time I went !!
You can Actually do a lot of the tracks with out smashing the **** out of you
Landy !!
Can you not up the Group to 8 Vehicles I am Itching to get out and try my new bits
My landy has been off the road for 2week !!

Been off the road 6 months never been plains we should do an 8 man group.
It's an 8 man group now!

7.Freddy 007

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