Sorry lads I am going to have to give this a miss.

Just realised my MOT runs out next week and I have a few jobs to do to first and my only chance to get it done is this weekend. Need the Disco for work so has to be done.

Need to weld the inner wing, the A-frame ball joint is shot and bloody ABS light is on.

Have a great day and make sure someone takes some pics to show me what I missed out on.
fixed my snorkal today and sorted my steering box out so it dont come loose anymore lol and once i remove all the crap thats built up inside its ready
Front springs and shocks done.
Seatbelts done.


Got a lot of play in o/s front wheel-bearing.

Hoping to be able to get that sorted tonight, and MOT'd tomorrow... Possibly!
Sorry guys I'm gonna have to drop out of this, just found out might be losing my job!! So unless anyone knows of a job I can have....haha

But here's the updated list for you :) will hopefully make it on the next trip out :)

Mlucas 110
Sprogthedog (possibly)
Rich cant make it either tyre or wheel problems (was one of them)

You get those 35 inch tyres you said about Will?
tried 3 garages none could get the 37s on there tyre gotta try ats who deal with trucks..

hope u have a good day if u venture out fellas:)
I don't think I will be going 2mro need to sort out my steering its not liking the body lift sorry boys..... if you need any help finding the lains let me no I will tell you how to get to them
Yes it's all good now I hope I will try and get the postcode for the pub in a min ....
I am one happy boy now I have had a ####ing stressful ****y week at work and am well looking foreword to get out I the mud : )

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