i have a weird bonk while turning left 1st thing in the morning:confused: only happens once and only at the end of my road so ill look but no to bothered about it atm that and i really must get round to putting a new pipe on my snorkal lol but its nothing major
don't suppose anybody has a spare spare wheel going for a sensible price do they as I just made the stupid mistake of selling my spare set of wheels :scratching_chin:
Thanks but I'm just after the one. The wife didn't like the spare set rolling round the garden after we just landscaped it so I sold them! But forgot I had no spare wheel lol
Lets make a plan of Attack !!!!!
I think we should all meet up at the bull in dowtown at 10.00am
Its a good place to start !!
Is every one up for it?? there will not be any thing to mad might be a bit Scratchy in some places but not to bad tho !! And hopefully we will have some rain so there will be lots of lovely mud to play in haha !
Ok sound jack meet me at mine place at 9.30 and we go down Convoy if you want buddy ??
Have you got any news on moveing to hookeys farm yet ?
Yeah mate no problem!

Although if no one knows any lanes cus I have no idea and dunno if I could manage to work out a route of lanes to last all day (I'm not the best map reader!!) I think it would be better to arrange it for a day when WLM (or anyone else) is around ;) I have PMed WLM but no reply...
haven't had a pm mate :mad:
Things are kicking on with the 110.

But in true Landrover style, I fix one thing and 2 others break!!

Just got seatbelt mounts and front shocks and turrets to do, and I'm good to go!! (Hopefully).
Horse 62
Mlucas 110
Sprogthedog (possibly)

Gonna make it a group of 7 as the reserve list somehow got missed ;)

Still meeting in downton yeah?

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