Take em off m8 they just get in the way
Glad u enjoyed the day. Now u know what a standardish disco is capable of.
Have u stopped grinning yet. It has that effect on ya

Lol no mate, I have a grin as wide as the bloody mersey! The wife is sick of hearing me bang on about it already lol. Now for a few mods!
Lol no mate, I have a grin as wide as the bloody mersey! The wife is sick of hearing me bang on about it already lol. Now for a few mods!

Wanna go check out some lanes east around Wotton soon if yer up for an explore
uploading a load of pics to Fookbucket.. will post linky once they're done. Also got a load of vids off me dash cam but they'll need sorting & editing before I post em.
Big thanks to WLM for sorting this out. I had a really great time and popped my lanning cherry.
cracking vid shame there weren't more of meeeeee!!!! that's wot happens when ya get sent to the back of the queue ::mad:

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