a big thankyou goes out to Rich for organizin a great day out xxx

another big thankyou goes out to uncle Joe for making series06's day by being there and uncle Brian for bringing his horse/dog and taking seriesjnr for a splash and trip :D

Great day out :D
LOL, crack on then lad, next summer would probably be good .. ;)
a big thankyou goes out to Rich for organizin a great day out xxx

another big thankyou goes out to uncle Joe for making series06's day by being there and uncle Brian for bringing his horse/dog and taking seriesjnr for a splash and trip :D

Great day out :D

Twas a pleasure......only had to thump her 2.....3 times and she were out fer the count ;)
There dont seem to be much of a mention of 1 person who attacked everything but never got stuck once. Mmmmm now who could that be ;)
Fantastic day tho

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