1) Fatboy11
2) Thor
3) short round
4) BoomerV8
5) sypher
6) wiltshire landyman
7) tombardier
8) Mud-4-it
9) redwingslandrover
10) Redhand.
11) short fat bloke
12) potts007
14) peach


1) adies_v8
2) big un
Greenlaning not off-roading, but us it would.

Copy and paste your name down if you're interested.

If I am not working and the Disco is I shall be there :)

1) Fatboy11
2) Thor
3) short round
4) BoomerV8
5) sypher
6) wiltshire landyman
7) tombardier
8) Mud-4-it
9) redwingslandrover
10) Redhand.
11) short fat bloke
12) potts007
14) peach
15) DiscoveryShed


1) adies_v8
2) big un
There's a lot of new signage been erected on the plains over the last couple of months, so you shouldn't need to do too much planning about where you are going once up there.
There is so much off piste activity on Salisbury Plain, so the MOD have put a multitude of new byway signs up.
There's not much tolerance any more. If you don't follow the signs, you'll bet booked.

Having said that, the pikey's are nicking the signs and posts, nearly as quick as the MOD put them up!!!!!!!
There's a lot of new signage been erected on the plains over the last couple of months, so you shouldn't need to do too much planning about where you are going once up there.
There is so much off piste activity on Salisbury Plain, so the MOD have put a multitude of new byway signs up.
There's not much tolerance any more. If you don't follow the signs, you'll bet booked.

Having said that, the pikey's are nicking the signs and posts, nearly as quick as the MOD put them up!!!!!!!

More likely that the Squaddies are driving over em. and chucking em in the long grass to hide em. Cos for the distance they'd have to travel and the price they get for em. They'd have to be prettty desperate for dosh..
Have you seen the price of scrap metal?
Have you seen the quantity of signs in question?
Believe me, its the pikeys.
Have you seen the price of scrap metal?
Have you seen the quantity of signs in question?
Believe me, its the pikeys.

Yes I know the price of scrap
Yes I've seen the signs I was out there end of NOV with a group of LZer's
Was chatting to the Landranger who was moaning about the Squaddies going off piste and driving over signs in Tanks & trucks..

Other option is ****ers in 4x4's ripping em down so they can drive where they want and claim they never saw the signs.

I'd be very surprised if it's the work of pikies.
That land warden is talking out of his arse then. The army have to follow a stricter regime than you and i do when on the plain (health and safety bollocks).

Wiltshire has more than its fair share of pikeys, and they prowel the plains every night.
That land warden is talking out of his arse then. The army have to follow a stricter regime than you and i do when on the plain (health and safety bollocks).

Wiltshire has more than its fair share of pikeys, and they prowel the plains every night.
try telling that to the tank drivers then;)

nice byway (clearly signed) then an open bit of land nxt to it and fookin great tank tracks right thru the middle and straight accross the byway,now if a 4x4 strayed of said byway they would be hung drawed and quaterd:mad:
I know exactly what you mean Landyman, see it all around the place. But they certainly don't plough through road signs.
That land warden is talking out of his arse then. The army have to follow a stricter regime than you and i do when on the plain (health and safety bollocks).

Wiltshire has more than its fair share of pikeys, and they prowel the plains every night.

So the one's he caught doing donuts in a tracked APC were Pikies then?? End of day squaddies are mostly daft teenagers with too much testosterone playing in big boys toys.. And you think they always Stick to the rules :doh:

I've had a few chats with the landranger and they are almost all ex squaddies, and well aware of what the squaddies get upto..
Last edited:
I'm well aware what goes on on the Plains.
My argument is where the signs, and everything else made of metal disappears to, and its not down to the squaddies.
I'm well aware what goes on on the Plains.
My argument is where the signs, and everything else made of metal disappears to, and its not down to the squaddies.

Well I've been told the only reason for replacing the signs with black and white ones is that the night vision gizmos weren't picking up the old ones.. So there a clear precedent for blaming the squaddies for driving over them.

Do you have any proof that pikies are stealing the signs or is it just your predjudices coming thru??? Because the thought of crowds of Pikies roaming the plains at night in order to steal a few road signs just doesn't ring right.. :rolleyes:
Now the last lot of new signage I saw on the plains had plastic posts - surely the scrapman doesn't buy plastic!?
1) Fatboy11
2) Thor
3) short round
4) BoomerV8
5) sypher
6) wiltshire landyman
7) tombardier
8) Mud-4-it
9) redwingslandrover
10) Redhand.
11) short fat bloke
12) potts007
14) peach
15) DiscoveryShed
16) JNEC


1) adies_v8
2) big un

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